Monday, September 27, 2010


You know what I just realised,

A year ago we were in Nam partying it up and being awesome, Halong Bay, Danang, Hui, the overnight train and the raave party we had.

In a year we will be finished our time at IGS and will have the HSC looming over us. How scary is that?

2 years ago we were in year 9, In 2 years some of us will be in Uni, others will be travelling, we'll have done our HSC and it'll be completely different.

Mindplosion much?

Hmm it's a bit scary.
Joel and Brian, Good Luck in the HSC, I'm sure you will both do fantastically.

Smaz, can we organise a super awesome pool party at your house after the HSC is over for Joel and Brian and we can celebrate being in year 12 and having a super awesome blog and yeh?
Sound okay? Also, you are not a petty excuse for a teenager, stop thinkng it cause it's just not true, and I know a lot of people agree with me. Like seriously dude, we love you, don't forget it. Also being sick is not your fault. Seriously, we love you no matter what.


Șмž said...

aww thanks... I love you guys in the manliest possible way
yeah, ofc we can have a pool party at my place, but I would have thought they'd be having lotsa HSC over parties themselves
but yeah, ofc.

Hoggle said...

haha also, another thing, the manliest thing you can do is be vulnerable and not let it affect you. Like if you tell people you love them, they don't question your manliness they are happy you love them, the only people that question manliness is people that are not satisfied with their own. Look at Jules, ppl think he is gay but he doesn't give a shit, he just goes on with his life and it makes him stronger in doing that. Same with Josh, some people think he is gay, but it doesn't matter cause the people who matter know who he is and they love him for it.

Brian said...

party does sound good after hsc

Funnily enough my word verification is "drinks"

Hoggle said...

yeh some people do.

JD said...

Jules is gay(Not actually, just a douche), it doesn't make him stronger it makes him more of a douche -_-

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

kidz! there are a few meanings to gat. also you misspelled hue, but yyou made it better!!!

yay compulsion to comment on every post
yay me