Monday, September 6, 2010

you and i we'll make a grand salute

um, yea, so im havnt been on the blog for a long time and like any maths and english notes sent to me didnt help cos i was likke derp computers derp and i forgot to go print them and check them out.

anyway, ty for sending them (if you did cos idk havnt checked email yet derp)
and yea, so, exams, t'was decent. what i was all like WTF PPL INTELLIGENTE when i was like running out of time sooo badly and ppl were just sitting there, looking around calmly and i was like scribbling like mad. then i realised that some of them left pages of non-attempt work and i was like ohhh sense makes it nows.
anyway, i finished the exam and it was decent, wasnt too hard or easy
the english exam was exactly the same as the practise question our class got so that was good, cept i had a massive mind blank and spent 15mins writin stuff down and crossin it out over and over.
yea my life is so interesting.

FEEZIX tomoz and i've actually finished studying but im still gonna fail cos i dont feel so right.
but anyway, in the spirit of feesix, here's a solar system themed cake


Șмž said...

what a strangely relevant cake.

planets dont work that way though...

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

no but its still a good cake