Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh hai guys

So like i was at the airport and like i saw a whole bunch of year 10s in antipodeans shirts so i was looking out for jules and maria but i only saw them after immigration but it was still cool to talk to like dylan carter and stuff. Igs kids: they are everywhere.
Also i got back home and there were 4 kittens in my backyard and i was like OMG!! kittenzzz and then i was like, oh noes, where are theys mothers? and then i came back and the mother had come back and was like feeding them and i was like nuuuuuu because now we has cats that live in our backyard so i was like, takes pictures.

So anyway, singapore is like filled with a billion shopping malls and i went to one and it had a huge escalotor going up 4 storeys and it was pretty terrifying but it was awesome so i took more pictures. and then we went to a place and they sold beyblades so hui got one so that she could battle with me and now im in like total panic because mine is like totally old skool like 6 years old and hers is from the metal gear thing and it has a metal ring and spins for a billion years.. what am i going to do...

And then i found translated volumes of kuroshitsuji! highlight of my holiday so far yay! (im totally a cool kid...)

So anyway, im in the lounge in the airport using their internets so i will leave you with a manga update:
HSD kenichi


Șмž said...

thank you
also, you have to post pictures and stuff

Hoggle said...

Haha Ru.
<3 ur kiroshitsuji addiction.
Also, pretty cool you saw them, it's like with Ton in nam.