Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hey guys

so any of you like Linkin Park?
(their new album is amazing btw, it's completely different to anything they have ever done before, no seriously)
I have 2 pre-sale standing tickets to their concert on sat 11 december...
I need someone to go with though
the tickets cost $130 each, but I'll put in $40 of that, so $90
respond here or send me a text or message me or something like that if you're interested

also, if you want to buy pre-sale tickets (unlikely as it is) I can give you the link + password
$140 for standing, good seating and $100 for bad seating


1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

DAMN I RLY WANT TO. i be in canada at that time tho.
have fun