Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
But everything we have is stuck in the moment, and there's nothing my heart can do (can do)
pineapple cake
hey friends,
how you guys be?
today was a strange day, where everything was real normal and stuffs but for some reason i feel unexplainably angry and confused over something that i dont even know.
kind of a real weird feeling.
also i need to try and get a refund/exchange for something that i've lost the receipt of.

siamese cat!!!
so like i was thinking of turning up at hoggs house like this
well not in those shorts cause they're ma pjs but hui probs wont lend me her golden boots and fur vest...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ok few things,
Party is on saturday, come or don't come, bring whoever, leave by 11. Bring Ipods costume. Text me or tell me if you can come.
I liked it, all my teachers are pretty happy with me, mr. smith said I was really nice and participated in class a lot although I need to do more work. Same with Ms. Souroullas and Ms. Dodd and Fr. Chironna. Mr. strange thinks I should be a stand-up comedian
On that note, I have been spontaneously writing stand-up material, I dunno why, boredom I guess.
Here is a few sentences I came up with the other day about Food
Tofu, wtf is that? I had some one day and it’s kind of like a weird mix of cream cheese and jelly and mushy rice and bean curd. And it doesn’t change, you heat it gets warm but it doesn’t melt, you freeze it and it doesn’t become a block of ice, just damn cold. It doesn’t change. Some toxic shit right there. What I don’t get though is false advertising, like I went past a shop the other day and it was advertising a daring BLT. Now unless this BLT is swinging from the ceiling fan before sliding along the stove, being lightly toasted, to jump over the fridge and land on my plate, it’s not daring, it’s just a BLT with slightly different ingredients.
If you like it, good, tell me, if you think it's not funny, tell me and I will fiddle with it.
Party is on saturday, come or don't come, bring whoever, leave by 11. Bring Ipods costume. Text me or tell me if you can come.
I liked it, all my teachers are pretty happy with me, mr. smith said I was really nice and participated in class a lot although I need to do more work. Same with Ms. Souroullas and Ms. Dodd and Fr. Chironna. Mr. strange thinks I should be a stand-up comedian
On that note, I have been spontaneously writing stand-up material, I dunno why, boredom I guess.
Here is a few sentences I came up with the other day about Food
Tofu, wtf is that? I had some one day and it’s kind of like a weird mix of cream cheese and jelly and mushy rice and bean curd. And it doesn’t change, you heat it gets warm but it doesn’t melt, you freeze it and it doesn’t become a block of ice, just damn cold. It doesn’t change. Some toxic shit right there. What I don’t get though is false advertising, like I went past a shop the other day and it was advertising a daring BLT. Now unless this BLT is swinging from the ceiling fan before sliding along the stove, being lightly toasted, to jump over the fridge and land on my plate, it’s not daring, it’s just a BLT with slightly different ingredients.
If you like it, good, tell me, if you think it's not funny, tell me and I will fiddle with it.
parent teacher interview things...
So as normal, parent teacher interviews went on and all the teachers pretty much say the same thing like as if they dont know what to say. it goes something like this:
Your child is coping very well in his/her studies and are sitting in a good position. However, they can do better and i feel that they are not putting as much effort as they need to in their studies. I suggest they do more study of (insert subject here) and put more time into it.
so like, i cant like, put like, more time into subjects if not i wont have time to do other subjects... and like they all say stuff like do work every day and do extra work over homework but we has soo much homeworks... bah... year 12.. Its going to be like this for the next year.
anyway, manga updates:
One piece 602
Bleach 424
Your child is coping very well in his/her studies and are sitting in a good position. However, they can do better and i feel that they are not putting as much effort as they need to in their studies. I suggest they do more study of (insert subject here) and put more time into it.
so like, i cant like, put like, more time into subjects if not i wont have time to do other subjects... and like they all say stuff like do work every day and do extra work over homework but we has soo much homeworks... bah... year 12.. Its going to be like this for the next year.
anyway, manga updates:
One piece 602
Bleach 424
Worth listening, pt -
I finish the HSC tommorow, at 3:30Pm
My last exam, Drama.
These guys are amazing, they're brother's who began by sampling old clips and soundtracks that they could find from their childhood an' such. They seem to have stayed the course and I love them for it.
This song is quickly becoming my anthem to the last weeks of school.
What'll I do? Guess I'll just have to wait an' see...
My last exam, Drama.
These guys are amazing, they're brother's who began by sampling old clips and soundtracks that they could find from their childhood an' such. They seem to have stayed the course and I love them for it.
This song is quickly becoming my anthem to the last weeks of school.
What'll I do? Guess I'll just have to wait an' see...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
So Halloween Party thing
Ok so I am having a small halloween get together thing, with a couple of people.
Of course you are invited.
These are our options:
Day: Friday
Start time: After School basically, bring stuff to school or whatever.
End time: 10pm latest probably
Alcohol: Not at all
Day: Saturday
Start time: Probably meet central round 5 or 6 and I will bring you to my house, you will need at least money for bus there and back to wherever you live, 4 trips.
End time: 11pm is when my mum will get home so earlier than that
Alcohol: Preferably not, like if I get caught with it my mum will shoot me down. It would not be pretty
Now, there are a few conditions:
1. If there is alcohol, no-one is allowed to get drunk. When you are tipsy, stop.
2. No-one can stay over
3. If you could help with cooking or cleaning up that'd be good.
RSVP: Tell me which day is better, I would personally prefer saturday as my mum and sister aren't there. Don't tell everyone about it, it's not a big event, just like dinner and music and yeh chill cause we are in year 12.
Also how awesome is this guy
Of course you are invited.
These are our options:
Day: Friday
Start time: After School basically, bring stuff to school or whatever.
End time: 10pm latest probably
Alcohol: Not at all
Day: Saturday
Start time: Probably meet central round 5 or 6 and I will bring you to my house, you will need at least money for bus there and back to wherever you live, 4 trips.
End time: 11pm is when my mum will get home so earlier than that
Alcohol: Preferably not, like if I get caught with it my mum will shoot me down. It would not be pretty
Now, there are a few conditions:
1. If there is alcohol, no-one is allowed to get drunk. When you are tipsy, stop.
2. No-one can stay over
3. If you could help with cooking or cleaning up that'd be good.
RSVP: Tell me which day is better, I would personally prefer saturday as my mum and sister aren't there. Don't tell everyone about it, it's not a big event, just like dinner and music and yeh chill cause we are in year 12.
Also how awesome is this guy
Today I was Pwned by 3 unit maths. I think I dropped at least 20 marks already. Damn question 6...
Really...start doing maths hsc papers WAYYYY before hand...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Charmander wants to nom nerv cookies
and manga updates:
Fairy tail 206
Psyren 400 (a super awesome chapter BTW)
HSD kenichi 404
Ok so here is my rant.
Yesterday I broke the plastic on the front of my phone. The screen is on perfect condition but the plastic is destroyed.
SO I did the smart thing and sent an email to the HTC people enquiring about price where I should take it, etc.
The guy replied saying I should bring it to the dealer. I wasn't told where it was or anything.
So I looked up on the website. It says to bring it to bla bla bla the Princes Highway, VICTORIA.
I don't fucking live in Victoria the stupid cunts. argh I hate customer service people!!!!
What the fuck am I meant to do?
Yesterday I broke the plastic on the front of my phone. The screen is on perfect condition but the plastic is destroyed.
SO I did the smart thing and sent an email to the HTC people enquiring about price where I should take it, etc.
The guy replied saying I should bring it to the dealer. I wasn't told where it was or anything.
So I looked up on the website. It says to bring it to bla bla bla the Princes Highway, VICTORIA.
I don't fucking live in Victoria the stupid cunts. argh I hate customer service people!!!!
What the fuck am I meant to do?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
yep so i've had my internet down for a while and now its back, my scabs are gone but more important than anything that has happened recently is one of my workmates is friends with April Yap, pretty crazy eh?
i really need to do my homework...
Ella's thing
Just got back from ella's birthday art adventure with smaz, fatty and ella and ella sisters. so yea, im too lazy to post a proper post so ill post pictures:

also we didnt actually do any camping cause it was raining and we're pussys so..
then me and hui left early the next day so smaz is still probably there.
also we didnt actually do any camping cause it was raining and we're pussys so..
then me and hui left early the next day so smaz is still probably there.
Do you know?
I realised something today while doing my copious amounts of work.
Teachers are just not fair, I mean 2nd week of term and I have...
Due Monday
A 3 minute-monologue in German discussing why more young people are turning to drugs
Various Pages of chemistry notes copied into my book.
7 German Comprehension questions.
Due Tuesday
8 exercises of Maths
15 Physics questions
A Maths weekly assignment
6 Geometric Applications of Calculus HSC Questions
12 Parametric Questions
Due Sometime in the Future
A 4 page chemistry assignment on Ethanol
A 1000 word physics report on a Nobel Prize document
3 Speeches, 2 in german and 1 in english
And 2 maths test, 1 for 2 unit, 1 for 3 unit.
All of these are worth 10% and are to be done by the end of term
Are they trying to kill me?
So yeh, I no just spent 10 mins procrastinating and writing this. Woot.
I am off to write a monologue in German.
Love you guys.
Teachers are just not fair, I mean 2nd week of term and I have...
Due Monday
A 3 minute-monologue in German discussing why more young people are turning to drugs
Various Pages of chemistry notes copied into my book.
7 German Comprehension questions.
Due Tuesday
8 exercises of Maths
15 Physics questions
A Maths weekly assignment
6 Geometric Applications of Calculus HSC Questions
12 Parametric Questions
Due Sometime in the Future
A 4 page chemistry assignment on Ethanol
A 1000 word physics report on a Nobel Prize document
3 Speeches, 2 in german and 1 in english
And 2 maths test, 1 for 2 unit, 1 for 3 unit.
All of these are worth 10% and are to be done by the end of term
Are they trying to kill me?
So yeh, I no just spent 10 mins procrastinating and writing this. Woot.
I am off to write a monologue in German.
Love you guys.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Jackass 3D
im on youtube alot and stuff. like a lot. but i find that some of the more popular you tube viral things, aren't that funny. i dnt know i just watched a couple and i was like meh
anyway then i watched this review for jack ass 3D and ..... i laughed sooo hard i nearly cried. there is a reason some shit is professional and you have to pay for it. and the guy from jackass 3D are professional idiots. and you kind of have to wonder, did these guys go through school and think that they were going to make millions by hurting themselves on camera, probably yes.
that was a little random. anyway you should watch this review
and we should see it.
P.S also apparent ly that random owl movie is actually pretty good. so yeah just goes to show..... i don't know what it shows
Friday, October 22, 2010
palmtrees and sunsets // cake of the day

now that i've been posting lots and lots of cakes, i dont even remember what i used to post about when im not posting about pointless moments of my life. so i decided that i would post about things that i like. so here are some sunsets
this is a tahitian sunset. its one of my favourite and is much bluer than other sunsets. it almost skips the red orangey part of the sunset and goes from yellow to purple to blue.

this is a halong bay sunset. i really like it cos it's so nostalgic for me. it does not have that many colours, mostly reds and oranges.
this is a typical hawaiian sunset. it is more pinkish and orangey than other sunsets and it is the most dramatic.
wow that was sooo pointless. i be of doing art now.
Onepiece 601
Bakuman 106
Naruto 514
HSD kenichi 403
and also random ru stuff, like, there is this website that i had been going on for a while for like 5 years to like past time and stuff and its just announced that the website will end at the end of this year and like, i spent alot of time on this website. And like it's like, the signs of life, like um, like how im going into year 12 and then it ends, like a sign saying, stop wastin yo tiem on this site and get on wit yo work cause you cant waste yo time away doing stupid pointless things when you have work and school and education and life and yall gotta move on and get out of the past and move to the future..
well something like that... But like today, i realised that i dont just listen to what other people say like i used to be affected by what ever people say but then today, smaz was like, ru you cant do that in art you wont have enough time and like if that was a year and a month ago, i probably would have been like, yea your right, im not going to do that but i was like, Ill do it and nothing is impossible and i really believe i can do it and then i quoted lyrics and was like 'shoot for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud' and for some reason i belive yea, just like lady gaga said, you can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want no matter who you are and where you come from because the monster ball will set you free.
oh also, i really love that justin bieber song called Runaway love but i wont post it cause some of yall are haters.
Bakuman 106
Naruto 514
HSD kenichi 403
and also random ru stuff, like, there is this website that i had been going on for a while for like 5 years to like past time and stuff and its just announced that the website will end at the end of this year and like, i spent alot of time on this website. And like it's like, the signs of life, like um, like how im going into year 12 and then it ends, like a sign saying, stop wastin yo tiem on this site and get on wit yo work cause you cant waste yo time away doing stupid pointless things when you have work and school and education and life and yall gotta move on and get out of the past and move to the future..
well something like that... But like today, i realised that i dont just listen to what other people say like i used to be affected by what ever people say but then today, smaz was like, ru you cant do that in art you wont have enough time and like if that was a year and a month ago, i probably would have been like, yea your right, im not going to do that but i was like, Ill do it and nothing is impossible and i really believe i can do it and then i quoted lyrics and was like 'shoot for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud' and for some reason i belive yea, just like lady gaga said, you can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want no matter who you are and where you come from because the monster ball will set you free.
oh also, i really love that justin bieber song called Runaway love but i wont post it cause some of yall are haters.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I love fridays
And here is why...
1. The weekend is the next day
2. It's a great night to go out or stay home and watch a movie
3. My mum often goes to her friend's house for drinks and takes my sister so I get the house to myself for an hour or two
4. The school day is really good for me, I have maths, physics, frees, chemistry, more maths and then I have another free. It's actually great.
5. I also get to chill when I get home cause I have the weekend to do my homework.
6. It's kinda like a day where teachers are tired and don't give as much work.
7. My frees are pretty empty which is kinda nice.
8. No english, not that it's that bad, just makes me tired
9. I am really productive in frees.
10. Just to finish up, I always enjoy it, even if I wake up in a bad mood, I am always in a good mood by the end.
That's why it's great.
And here is why...
1. The weekend is the next day
2. It's a great night to go out or stay home and watch a movie
3. My mum often goes to her friend's house for drinks and takes my sister so I get the house to myself for an hour or two
4. The school day is really good for me, I have maths, physics, frees, chemistry, more maths and then I have another free. It's actually great.
5. I also get to chill when I get home cause I have the weekend to do my homework.
6. It's kinda like a day where teachers are tired and don't give as much work.
7. My frees are pretty empty which is kinda nice.
8. No english, not that it's that bad, just makes me tired
9. I am really productive in frees.
10. Just to finish up, I always enjoy it, even if I wake up in a bad mood, I am always in a good mood by the end.
That's why it's great.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
2100th post
So yeh 2100th post.
Im not feeling too creative cause I've been doing parametrics for the last hour.
Yeh. That's it.
Why am I so boring?
Im not feeling too creative cause I've been doing parametrics for the last hour.
Yeh. That's it.
Why am I so boring?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Hey what's everyone getting for their year 12 jerseys?
I think im getting to-LOVE-ru (well i wrote it down already).
What's everyone else getting?
Also, Shitsurakuen 17 and Akuma to Love song 46 and 47 is out.
What's everyone else getting?
Also, Shitsurakuen 17 and Akuma to Love song 46 and 47 is out.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Blue Sky Days
So I am sitting here in my room cleaning it actually, listening to R.E.M. Everybody hurts and it's kinda sad but it's also kinda nice.
And outside there is blue sky with like 1 white cloud. It's beautiful really.
It is days like this that I love being Australian and being me really. Like it sounds arrogant but I like being me, no offense to anyone else but I would rather be me than you. I dunno I just like my life, it's not perfect, don't get me wrong but it's mine, and there are so many memories and fun times and you know it's just nice.
Love you guys
So I am sitting here in my room cleaning it actually, listening to R.E.M. Everybody hurts and it's kinda sad but it's also kinda nice.
And outside there is blue sky with like 1 white cloud. It's beautiful really.
It is days like this that I love being Australian and being me really. Like it sounds arrogant but I like being me, no offense to anyone else but I would rather be me than you. I dunno I just like my life, it's not perfect, don't get me wrong but it's mine, and there are so many memories and fun times and you know it's just nice.
Love you guys
art thing
Hey smaz you know that artist who did that panel thing in white rabbit?
his name is Xia Xiaowan or 夏小万and this is the link to his page on the white rabbit site:
CLick here
yea, in case you wanted it..
also, more manga updates:
Gantz 326
Fairy Tail 205
Psyren 139
his name is Xia Xiaowan or 夏小万and this is the link to his page on the white rabbit site:
CLick here
yea, in case you wanted it..
also, more manga updates:
Gantz 326
Fairy Tail 205
Psyren 139
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up...
So anyway, last night I went to that cloud control concert with Ella, Mojito and Lord of the palmtrees and it was super awesome cause i was right at the front wit ella and the i could hear the people behind me saying, its ok because the people infront of us are short.
You know that DnT thing about cloud control that me and ella made? they signed it and they also signed ella's album so it was super exciting. yay!
and they also sang a cover of KiD CuDi's Pursuit of Happiness
Oh and manga updates:
Gantz 325 One Piece 600 (yay!) BLAZER DRIVE!! 24 Naruto 513 Bakuman 105
You know that DnT thing about cloud control that me and ella made? they signed it and they also signed ella's album so it was super exciting. yay!
and they also sang a cover of KiD CuDi's Pursuit of Happiness
Oh and manga updates:
Gantz 325 One Piece 600 (yay!) BLAZER DRIVE!! 24 Naruto 513 Bakuman 105
Friday, October 15, 2010
my brain....
I had english paper 1 and ipt in one day...finished at 5 started at 8:30....
my's mooshified...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Author of the month
So anyway, the author of the month (as chosen by RHItarded whose AOTM thing is still up) is Scribbles! so i have to change that sometime because other admins arent doing their job and im still busying sorting out my stuff and has no time to dig up my harddrives and sd cards soo yea. If you have a picture of adrienne and are an admin, change the AOTM thing. please.
also, if you are a Vale smaz, Mysterious girlfriend x is out.
also, if you are a Vale smaz, Mysterious girlfriend x is out.
How should I feel?
Really, at the moment there's so much going on in my mind. I'm just not sure what to feel.
I'm sad, ofcourse at having left school. I was really reminded of that today. At the same time though, it feels good. It felt like the right time to move on.
It sucks that I won't see everyone as frequently, y'know, not like on a daily basis like ti was before.
The HSC starts in 35 hours from now. I've already applied for my university courses. The majority of which I would study with pleasure. I've also applied for qantm, my plan is that if I don't make my first priority (Architectural Computing) which requires an ATAR of 80 ( If you do DT, since it's a new course, they usually let you in regardless) I'll go to qantm... This all depends on me actually passing the HSC though, which, at the moment has me really stressed... I used the ATAR calculator and to actually get an ATAR >33 I need to get >70% on all my subjects. Which of course is attainable but... I do have my worries, what if something goes wrong? What if they throw as many curveballs as they did in the trials? What if my calculator breaks, what if I break down? What If I'm late?
What will happen then?
Then... There's the excitement of finishing the HSC.
I'll finally have freedom, regardless of whether or not I pass the HSC. I'm going to party, briefly. Paintball, movie nights, become a hermit, collect Warhammer 40K again, get a job, move out (Speaking of which, anyone have a room for rent ;P) Then start Uni (Or college) next year.
I think when the HSC's over I'll take a walk to the park or something, an' just chill for a little bit, y'know as like an expression of my freedom, being there chilling because it's what I feel like doing. Then I'll probably just go home and play video games or something, but I'll be happy, because that'd be my choice.
Everything's looking up for me, after these three weeks that is.
I'm sad, ofcourse at having left school. I was really reminded of that today. At the same time though, it feels good. It felt like the right time to move on.
It sucks that I won't see everyone as frequently, y'know, not like on a daily basis like ti was before.
The HSC starts in 35 hours from now. I've already applied for my university courses. The majority of which I would study with pleasure. I've also applied for qantm, my plan is that if I don't make my first priority (Architectural Computing) which requires an ATAR of 80 ( If you do DT, since it's a new course, they usually let you in regardless) I'll go to qantm... This all depends on me actually passing the HSC though, which, at the moment has me really stressed... I used the ATAR calculator and to actually get an ATAR >33 I need to get >70% on all my subjects. Which of course is attainable but... I do have my worries, what if something goes wrong? What if they throw as many curveballs as they did in the trials? What if my calculator breaks, what if I break down? What If I'm late?
What will happen then?
Then... There's the excitement of finishing the HSC.
I'll finally have freedom, regardless of whether or not I pass the HSC. I'm going to party, briefly. Paintball, movie nights, become a hermit, collect Warhammer 40K again, get a job, move out (Speaking of which, anyone have a room for rent ;P) Then start Uni (Or college) next year.
I think when the HSC's over I'll take a walk to the park or something, an' just chill for a little bit, y'know as like an expression of my freedom, being there chilling because it's what I feel like doing. Then I'll probably just go home and play video games or something, but I'll be happy, because that'd be my choice.
Everything's looking up for me, after these three weeks that is.
So a few things
First I miss eople that I havent seen for like 2 weeks cause they arent at school
I miss Ru and Hui and Jules and Maria and Why don't they all come back.
I know it's like only next week but still, I miss them a lot.
Hmmm I hope people don't all disappear during the summer holidays while I am here.
That reminds me theory time, gonna be short cause I am tired
People say we weren't given instruction manuals for life, actually we were, they are called parents we just don't pay attention cause we think we can do a better job. In a way we are all arrogant cause sometimes parents are right, not with everything but with a bit, more than anyone would like to admit actually.
But think about it, bad parents like drug addicts are the manuals that sort of fail, they sorta tell you what to do but what they say is left for interpretation most of the time. You'll kinda get a cupboard but it might become a dishwasher spontaneously.
Then there are overbearing parents that try and do everything for their children because they think it's helpful whereas it's often not. This is wear a workmen is meant to come any set it up but they dont have the right tools or dont know what to do, Maybe Harvey Norman. Anything computer really. Telstra definitely
Then finally there are the run of the mill, the rest, These parents will know they are right but let their children learn for themselves but will step in if absolutely necessary, these are things like Optus, iinet, Bunnings, Gardens R Us, JB Hifi I have been to those places countless times and there is always someone willing to help. So yeh, thats why parents are manuals for life. I rly gotta go my visiou is fucking up and putting in blindspotsn so it's like i see through my right hand. rally trippy.
Night love you guys
I miss Ru and Hui and Jules and Maria and Why don't they all come back.
I know it's like only next week but still, I miss them a lot.
Hmmm I hope people don't all disappear during the summer holidays while I am here.
That reminds me theory time, gonna be short cause I am tired
People say we weren't given instruction manuals for life, actually we were, they are called parents we just don't pay attention cause we think we can do a better job. In a way we are all arrogant cause sometimes parents are right, not with everything but with a bit, more than anyone would like to admit actually.
But think about it, bad parents like drug addicts are the manuals that sort of fail, they sorta tell you what to do but what they say is left for interpretation most of the time. You'll kinda get a cupboard but it might become a dishwasher spontaneously.
Then there are overbearing parents that try and do everything for their children because they think it's helpful whereas it's often not. This is wear a workmen is meant to come any set it up but they dont have the right tools or dont know what to do, Maybe Harvey Norman. Anything computer really. Telstra definitely
Then finally there are the run of the mill, the rest, These parents will know they are right but let their children learn for themselves but will step in if absolutely necessary, these are things like Optus, iinet, Bunnings, Gardens R Us, JB Hifi I have been to those places countless times and there is always someone willing to help. So yeh, thats why parents are manuals for life. I rly gotta go my visiou is fucking up and putting in blindspotsn so it's like i see through my right hand. rally trippy.
Night love you guys
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
ELLA! ella ella ay ay ay
Hi, ella. It is ok. I made sure my plans did not clash wit my concert like it did last time with greenday and it cost us thousands in dollars to change flight plans so we could see greenday. any way, i got back an hour ago so if you like i could bring the tickets tomorrow or something. yea. talk to you later i guess.
Monday, October 11, 2010
When do you come back from Singapore?? because Cloud Control is on Friday evening and you have the tickets, please reply soon.
YEAh. YEar 12!
and im not even in the country. i sitting on my sofa in singapore feelin chilled as eva. also i havnt got any of them books we need for school
and i was real ssick yesterday that we had to not see cirque du soleil and ima feelin like its mah fault
i was on the train and suddenly trippy magenta and yellow clouds started sweeping into my vision and then i threw up (i got of the train first)
then we went home and i slept for a ridonculoously long time and had cheesecake and tea for dinner.
so yall are probs in school nowww and im rly not feelin stressed at all. soz for the lack of cake, i'll bombard this blog with cakes when i get back and it'll make the blog look like some massive cake blog.'
yeah. im going to go to the mall now.
and i was real ssick yesterday that we had to not see cirque du soleil and ima feelin like its mah fault
i was on the train and suddenly trippy magenta and yellow clouds started sweeping into my vision and then i threw up (i got of the train first)
then we went home and i slept for a ridonculoously long time and had cheesecake and tea for dinner.
so yall are probs in school nowww and im rly not feelin stressed at all. soz for the lack of cake, i'll bombard this blog with cakes when i get back and it'll make the blog look like some massive cake blog.'
yeah. im going to go to the mall now.
I forgot that today was the first day of the rest of our lives
so im at home in singapore doing nothing but sitting around, playing with beyblades and waiting for the kittens in my backyard to come back.
reading people post about year 12 and stuff started making me worry about the future and stuff and everytime i go to my parent's friend's house or something, that's all they talk about: subjects, school, studying, university and future stuff. and i really dont know what to do.. I remember when i was little and my parent's friend's children were in primary school and i was in kindergarden and we were just playing around and stuff and not worrying about anything, talking about stupid things like dinosaurs and other weird shit and now lots of these children are in the army national service thing and in universities and lots of my parent's friends just talk about growing old and aging constantly... and then my singaporean friends are finishing their high school this year and its like everything is slowly hovering away....
bahhh what am i talking about.
anyway, here are some manga updates if you have not already read them:
Fairy tail 204 Psyren Call: 138 HSD Kenichi 402
reading people post about year 12 and stuff started making me worry about the future and stuff and everytime i go to my parent's friend's house or something, that's all they talk about: subjects, school, studying, university and future stuff. and i really dont know what to do.. I remember when i was little and my parent's friend's children were in primary school and i was in kindergarden and we were just playing around and stuff and not worrying about anything, talking about stupid things like dinosaurs and other weird shit and now lots of these children are in the army national service thing and in universities and lots of my parent's friends just talk about growing old and aging constantly... and then my singaporean friends are finishing their high school this year and its like everything is slowly hovering away....
bahhh what am i talking about.
anyway, here are some manga updates if you have not already read them:
Fairy tail 204 Psyren Call: 138 HSD Kenichi 402
its the night before year 12 starts and i cant sleep at all so ill wait a few mins and play issues. Anyway good luck yall for this year and ill see yall on the other side
For those who are feeling stressed
Well considering the HSC is in...4 days for me 3 days for others, I am feeling rather stressed no doubt.

And now i just remembered Auditorium. For those who've never played it, it's a free flowing music puzzle game and is possibly one of the more unique games you'll find on the net. Right now it's pretty much the only game i can play which won't lead to my parents yelling at me to work.

Have a go, you won't be able to play the entire thing but it's still a nice little treat with what they give you.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Stupid people
Hey guys,
Sorry but this pissed me off,
There is a group on facebook that says tomorrow is 10/10/10 this day only comes every 1000 years.
Whoever made this group is stupid and ppl that join it are oblivious. 10/10/10 comes every 100 years. Why are people so stupid?
So I made another group in retaliation, Today it is 10/10/10 and actually it comes every 100 years, get your maths right guys
Sorry but this pissed me off,
There is a group on facebook that says tomorrow is 10/10/10 this day only comes every 1000 years.
Whoever made this group is stupid and ppl that join it are oblivious. 10/10/10 comes every 100 years. Why are people so stupid?
So I made another group in retaliation, Today it is 10/10/10 and actually it comes every 100 years, get your maths right guys
Worth listening Pt.8
This album is out-chilled only by on other (Royksopp- Senior)
Honestly, just listen to this album start to end.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
manga updates for smaz
hey i forgot to post the naruto, bleach and hsd kenichi updates so bleach is like a week late soz..
Bleach 422 Bleach 423 Naruto 512 HSD kenichi 401 Bakuman 104
Bleach 422 Bleach 423 Naruto 512 HSD kenichi 401 Bakuman 104
Friday, October 8, 2010
tokyo 3 + chopperman
we went to Hakone, a reeal nice peaceful lovely town and it was one of the places that took part in making japan into tokyo 3 so it had all these really super awesome souvenirs with nerv on it and nerv branded stuff and i wanted to get all of it but it was sooo expensive. i bouught something for madisun and joel to share between the two but it was too awesome so im sharing it instead so i can keep the packaging. theres soooo much evangelion here!
And you CANT RUN AWAY FROM CHOPPER. onepiece is freakin everywhere, like you dont even see bleach and naruto, just onepiece, in EVERY SINGLE SHOP.
and kuroshitsuji was playing on a huge screen in shibuya! so exciting!! and engrish is kinda amazing here, like every product has a happy engrish statement on it.
went to the ghibli museum which is sooo popular that you have to book tickets days in advance to get in. everything there was soooooo kawaiiii
actually everything here is sooo kawaii. i've spent such a ridonculous amount of monies
last minutes in japan. really cant wait to see you guize again
and woah im stressin out cos its like wayy into octubre but the AOTM is not changed. GASP.
hello again
so like, im in the lounge before boarding the plane back to singapore and its my last day in japan *tear*. so im missin you guys and when i see you guys we will officially be year 12. also, japan is exactly like in mangas like black people speaking japanese. too awesome. and i had to buy an extra backpack and its all full now because of all the crap i bought but im really happy now so yea.
i have a lot more things to say but theres too little time so ill end with some manga updates:
Late Notice
This is late notice but....
We are going to see Easy A at 4:40 today.
Meet 4:15 George St. Cinema and bring enough money
Also I.D. just in case.
We are going to see Easy A at 4:40 today.
Meet 4:15 George St. Cinema and bring enough money
Also I.D. just in case.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So yeh, this is a tribute,
Because one year ago today we were in Halong Bay chilling on the boat.
Here are some pics from then.

Also an awesome Video
You have to love pashmina afghans, and hats with leaves and yeh.
Because one year ago today we were in Halong Bay chilling on the boat.
Here are some pics from then.
Also an awesome Video
You have to love pashmina afghans, and hats with leaves and yeh.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Worth listening Pt. 7
This weeks worth listening is from The Klaxon's new album (Surfing the Void) which came out like two weeks ago I think. Anyway, I just got around to listening to it an' it's a lot more rock-instrumental oriented rather then their last album (Myths of the near future) which was heavily digital audio and sampling based.
It's still got that twisted Klaxons feel to it though which is always good. Definitely looking forward to seeing the new set they've got to play at Field Day, it's rumored it's going to be a mash up of both Myths of the Near Future and Surfing the void. Shit's going to be cash.
Also Ru+ Hui I am so envious.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Everything you thought you knew about Japan
happens to be true.
So here is my summary of japan so far:
You know how in tv shows and cartoons when the main characters go to Japan and they have those magical toilets, crazy japanese tv shows, small hotel rooms and people doing the peace sign everywhere? well it really is like that in Japan.
The toilet is so magical you can adjust the volume of the flushing sound and various other things (the one in the airport had like 6 buttons).
also the people here always move to the left on an escalator
there are rarely and fat people here and i buy some of the clothes in size medium because japanese are so small and thin. yay for clothes that fit. also, i've spent too much money already... i should really stop buying stuff. maybe ill post some pictures later.
another magical thing that happened was that i walked into a shop and then this anime song which i love started playing and i was like, i love this song!
anyway i have other things to say but i think my typing is making hui not sleep so
xox ru and also, how are you guys holidays? been doing much?
oh another thing i forget, you know one piece? well in japan, you cannot excape from it. You think, ah this is a vintage shop, it will not have one piece. but then chopper merchandise will sure to pop up because its not really one piece that is everywhere, but it is chopper! there is sooooo much chopper stuff and some shops make one piece look so fashionable. its a crazy world. so on that note:
manga updates:
one piece bakuman fairy tail
So here is my summary of japan so far:
You know how in tv shows and cartoons when the main characters go to Japan and they have those magical toilets, crazy japanese tv shows, small hotel rooms and people doing the peace sign everywhere? well it really is like that in Japan.
The toilet is so magical you can adjust the volume of the flushing sound and various other things (the one in the airport had like 6 buttons).
also the people here always move to the left on an escalator
there are rarely and fat people here and i buy some of the clothes in size medium because japanese are so small and thin. yay for clothes that fit. also, i've spent too much money already... i should really stop buying stuff. maybe ill post some pictures later.
another magical thing that happened was that i walked into a shop and then this anime song which i love started playing and i was like, i love this song!
anyway i have other things to say but i think my typing is making hui not sleep so
xox ru and also, how are you guys holidays? been doing much?
oh another thing i forget, you know one piece? well in japan, you cannot excape from it. You think, ah this is a vintage shop, it will not have one piece. but then chopper merchandise will sure to pop up because its not really one piece that is everywhere, but it is chopper! there is sooooo much chopper stuff and some shops make one piece look so fashionable. its a crazy world. so on that note:
manga updates:
one piece bakuman fairy tail
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
So yeh
So tomorrow, my Dad arrives at like 6 am and then at like 11 we ar going to my grandparents hous til like friday next week and then we'll probs come back to Sydney but he doesn't leave til the sunday before school so yeh.
But 2 things before I go.
1. I wrote a joke
People say I'm indecisive but I can't really make up my mind
2. I dunno if you want me to post another theory but I am going to anyway
Life is kinda like a test you haven't studied for. Before you start, I reckon you are kinda shitting it, even though you have no idea what it's going to be like, it could be great and easy or it could be difficult and shit, even though I don't remember emotions I had before I was born, I donno if I even had any, I think it would have been something along the lines of that. Anyway, you go into the room and it's brightly lit and there are desks lined out and it's silent, like before a storm and you think shit is gonna go down, it's kinda like childhood up to 10. Then you have the bit where you sit down and wait for instructions are read and that's like a being a tween. Then there is the reading time, where you sorta read the questions and some you get and others are like wtf, you also spend a fair bit of time waiting for the test to start which is like being a teenager, you are a bit confused and you spend a fair bit of time waiting to be 18. Then you start writing, you use what you know to the best of your ability even when it isn't relevant, the multiple choice is like your twenties, its easy and fun but can scare the shit out of you. Then the short answer is like thirties and fourties, you get a bit confused and there are times when you just want to walk out, then there is that question you understand which brings you back to reality, you sorta go through that period where you think you aren't doing so well, that's the midlife crisis. Then you hit the writing task, you can either do A or B, A is like early retirement, you kinda know a bit about it, but you aren't really sure what you are going to do then B is to keep on working, which is like you know what you are doing but it won't be done to the best of your ability. You finish with the writing and you go to check your work, making minimal changes, sometimes even crossing out a huge section to write around it, even though it's a bit messy, it doesn't matter. This is the age where people try and make a difference, 60s and 70s really, trying to help the community to make up for mistakes you have made in the past. Then the time is up, it's like the late 70s or early 80s, there is a lot to think about, you don't say much but you sorta reflect on your time. When you are allowed to talk is kinda like the last family reunion and last christmas, last birthday, then as you walk out of the room, it's kinda like dying, maybe you walk out with a smile, or depressed, quickly, or painfully slow. No matter, as you go, you reflect on how you might have done, you hope you have done well, and it never is as bad as you thought it was going to be. You just hope it's all gone ok.
So yeh, that's why life is like a test you haven't studied for.
But 2 things before I go.
1. I wrote a joke
People say I'm indecisive but I can't really make up my mind
2. I dunno if you want me to post another theory but I am going to anyway
Life is kinda like a test you haven't studied for. Before you start, I reckon you are kinda shitting it, even though you have no idea what it's going to be like, it could be great and easy or it could be difficult and shit, even though I don't remember emotions I had before I was born, I donno if I even had any, I think it would have been something along the lines of that. Anyway, you go into the room and it's brightly lit and there are desks lined out and it's silent, like before a storm and you think shit is gonna go down, it's kinda like childhood up to 10. Then you have the bit where you sit down and wait for instructions are read and that's like a being a tween. Then there is the reading time, where you sorta read the questions and some you get and others are like wtf, you also spend a fair bit of time waiting for the test to start which is like being a teenager, you are a bit confused and you spend a fair bit of time waiting to be 18. Then you start writing, you use what you know to the best of your ability even when it isn't relevant, the multiple choice is like your twenties, its easy and fun but can scare the shit out of you. Then the short answer is like thirties and fourties, you get a bit confused and there are times when you just want to walk out, then there is that question you understand which brings you back to reality, you sorta go through that period where you think you aren't doing so well, that's the midlife crisis. Then you hit the writing task, you can either do A or B, A is like early retirement, you kinda know a bit about it, but you aren't really sure what you are going to do then B is to keep on working, which is like you know what you are doing but it won't be done to the best of your ability. You finish with the writing and you go to check your work, making minimal changes, sometimes even crossing out a huge section to write around it, even though it's a bit messy, it doesn't matter. This is the age where people try and make a difference, 60s and 70s really, trying to help the community to make up for mistakes you have made in the past. Then the time is up, it's like the late 70s or early 80s, there is a lot to think about, you don't say much but you sorta reflect on your time. When you are allowed to talk is kinda like the last family reunion and last christmas, last birthday, then as you walk out of the room, it's kinda like dying, maybe you walk out with a smile, or depressed, quickly, or painfully slow. No matter, as you go, you reflect on how you might have done, you hope you have done well, and it never is as bad as you thought it was going to be. You just hope it's all gone ok.
So yeh, that's why life is like a test you haven't studied for.
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