Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jackass 3D

im on youtube alot and stuff. like a lot. but i find that some of the more popular you tube viral things, aren't that funny. i dnt know i just watched a couple and i was like meh

anyway then i watched this review for jack ass 3D and ..... i laughed sooo hard i nearly cried. there is a reason some shit is professional and you have to pay for it. and the guy from jackass 3D are professional idiots. and you kind of have to wonder, did these guys go through school and think that they were going to make millions by hurting themselves on camera, probably yes.

that was a little random. anyway you should watch this review

and we should see it.

P.S also apparent ly that random owl movie is actually pretty good. so yeah just goes to show..... i don't know what it shows

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