Monday, October 11, 2010

I forgot that today was the first day of the rest of our lives

so im at home in singapore doing nothing but sitting around, playing with beyblades and waiting for the kittens in my backyard to come back.
reading people post about year 12 and stuff started making me worry about the future and stuff and everytime i go to my parent's friend's house or something, that's all they talk about: subjects, school, studying, university and future stuff. and i really dont know what to do.. I remember when i was little and my parent's friend's children were in primary school and i was in kindergarden and we were just playing around and stuff and not worrying about anything, talking about stupid things like dinosaurs and other weird shit and now lots of these children are in the army national service thing and in universities and lots of my parent's friends just talk about growing old and aging constantly... and then my singaporean friends are finishing their high school this year and its like everything is slowly hovering away....

bahhh what am i talking about.
anyway, here are some manga updates if you have not already read them:
Fairy tail 204 Psyren Call: 138 HSD Kenichi 402


Șмž said...

yeah, everything changes... remember year 7? oh man...
hey, when do you and fatty get back?

Brian said...

I really think most of you guys are over thinking year 12. It's really not all that scary once you get into it.

Given how close each one of you are, you'll all do fine through year 12 and beyond.

Hoggle said...

<3 you ru.