Monday, October 4, 2010

Everything you thought you knew about Japan

happens to be true.

So here is my summary of japan so far:
You know how in tv shows and cartoons when the main characters go to Japan and they have those magical toilets, crazy japanese tv shows, small hotel rooms and people doing the peace sign everywhere? well it really is like that in Japan.
The toilet is so magical you can adjust the volume of the flushing sound and various other things (the one in the airport had like 6 buttons).
also the people here always move to the left on an escalator
there are rarely and fat people here and i buy some of the clothes in size medium because japanese are so small and thin. yay for clothes that fit. also, i've spent too much money already... i should really stop buying stuff. maybe ill post some pictures later.
another magical thing that happened was that i walked into a shop and then this anime song which i love started playing and i was like, i love this song!
anyway i have other things to say but i think my typing is making hui not sleep so
xox ru and also, how are you guys holidays? been doing much?

oh another thing i forget, you know one piece? well in japan, you cannot excape from it. You think, ah this is a vintage shop, it will not have one piece. but then chopper merchandise will sure to pop up because its not really one piece that is everywhere, but it is chopper! there is sooooo much chopper stuff and some shops make one piece look so fashionable. its a crazy world. so on that note:
manga updates:
one piece bakuman fairy tail


Brian said...

I am so insanely jealous that you're in Japan right now.

I'd tear off my pinky to be there instead of doing my hsc

action Man said...

ROO has anyone mistaken you for japanese yet? XD

Șмž said...

japan sounds so awesome... wow...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

lol so weird buying japanese books in kinokuniya i cant even read