Friday, October 22, 2010


Onepiece 601
Bakuman 106
Naruto 514
HSD kenichi 403

and also random ru stuff, like, there is this website that i had been going on for a while for like 5 years to like past time and stuff and its just announced that the website will end at the end of this year and like, i spent alot of time on this website. And like it's like, the signs of life, like um, like how im going into year 12 and then it ends, like a sign saying, stop wastin yo tiem on this site and get on wit yo work cause you cant waste yo time away doing stupid pointless things when you have work and school and education and life and yall gotta move on and get out of the past and move to the future..
well something like that... But like today, i realised that i dont just listen to what other people say like i used to be affected by what ever people say but then today, smaz was like, ru you cant do that in art you wont have enough time and like if that was a year and a month ago, i probably would have been like, yea your right, im not going to do that but i was like, Ill do it and nothing is impossible and i really believe i can do it and then i quoted lyrics and was like 'shoot for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud' and for some reason i belive yea, just like lady gaga said, you can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want no matter who you are and where you come from because the monster ball will set you free.

oh also, i really love that justin bieber song called Runaway love but i wont post it cause some of yall are haters.


Șмž said...

thanks man

Șмž said...

ru, that's fucking awesome
you can do anything, just try

wow, that one piece