Saturday, October 16, 2010

im a hypocripte

i know i said i wasn't exited for it but OMG



JD said...

Eh, zombie games are fairly common these days. IMO, still doesn't warrant buying the game full price. It's like giving a dog a treat 'cause it ate some other dog's shit then shat it out again, with a little toy inside it.

Black Ops Man! said...

didn't I show you this?
And yeah Lasry. I was always excited for Black Ops.
Joel, I can see where your coming from, but just with the amount of support Treyarch is giving to the PC community, and after the massive clusterfuck that was Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops looks like a god-send. Of course, it will also be the last COD game i ever buy, seeing as it pains me to even buy this one game alone from Activision, but I think that this game will have what it takes.