Sunday, June 19, 2011


I was gonna write this in reply to hoggs post below but I guess its better to write like, a new post for this.
I kinda left all my english stuff at home
what are the questions for english?
for the speech and for the mini essays (or at least just the speech)
also, the essays are why i write, the sporting spirit and politics and the english language right? or is the last one notes on nationalism?


Hoggle said...

We don't know the question for the mini essay as they give us that in the class and read stuff out. We got a practice question which was "Orwell subverts axioms to challenge our way or thinking"

The Speech question is ‘Orwell’s essays are still valued because they reinforce the necessity of challenging authority to preserve freedom’. *FOR MORE DETAILS: School email*
And yeh those 3.

Hoggle said...

those 3 essays, not notes on nationalism, the other 3.

Șмž said...

Thanks so much. I forgot they were sent to our school emails... Wtf is that question though?

Hoggle said...

it's ok the speech isn't til wednesday.