Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rant 2

This is another rant about Child Pageants because they are bringing them to Australia and it legitimately makes me want to shoot society for allowing this shit to happen.

Pageanting generally is generally a useless time waster in my mind, but in adults it is generally deemed ok, there is not so much of a problem about it as adults are already sexualised, they are free to do as they please as long as they obey the law, basically.
Children Pageants however are another matter, the degree to which psychological issues are already a problem in our society; the addition of pageants will only bring more issues into a child's life. The considerations of "being hot" as a child is almost paedophilia, yes it's ok when people say to their daughter's or son's, you are handsome/pretty. This however is a whole other degree of problems which stem from image issues. To be honest I think it is horrific that something like this could even be allowed; for example a woman in America surprised her child with botox. HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT?!?! I disagree with plastic surgery at the best of times; but this is a whole other ball park; it should not even be legal. Like to be honest, children should be able to live happy and healthy lives, growing up to be intelligent contributors to society but instead fucking dumb ass parents are filling their heads with being the prettiest and only winning counts. It is disturbing to say the least; and I will admit it the parents are mostly to blame living through their children. They should get their own fucking lives and stop making children seem like adults. That is a problem though with society where we make children look to old when they are too young. Exhibit A (ALL TWEENS, no excuses, ALL TWEENS) (BTW, I define tween as like people who like tweeny shit and think they are 18 when they actually like 10 - 12) Disgusting is all I can say really about the matter. If I ever have a child, I will try and bring it up without such disgusting things. Yeh sorry, I'll shut up now.


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