Followed closely by Smaz who came in second and..

Lasry who came third.

And then everyone else followed slowly behind. Although it was a really close race and I spend my last 5 hours figuring out who should win, i feel strongly about this decision and in the end, we are all winners. Anyway, the criteria i judge this on was mainly relevance.
also, lambert won a special prize... it is the Prize of PLAGARISM. He also saw the ingenuity of Bmsilverfish's entry that he decided to copy it but made a small change to it thinking that no one would notice.

I nearly gave the first place award to him but I quickly noticed it so I awarded it to the true original winner.
man, I thought that I was being so original
I looked at everyone else's but i was all like "meh, let's not bother following any link" so I didn't and now it seems like I plagerised.
But congrats to everyone else!!!
haha lambert, unlucky.
And awesome sauce, thanks for choosing me as the winnnarr!
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