Sunday, July 17, 2011

I love stuff like this

Just for procrastination
It links any Wikipedia article to 'philosophy', via the first link on the page (minus the ones in brackets)
I have spent about an hour on it so far...

It's cool at first, but awesome (relatively obviously) when you put in like 20 articles separated by commas
Then make some huge thing

The longest chain I could find was from the article on Skrillex, with like 28 points, which doesn't share any of the same points on it's path as 'dubstep'

Shit, school tomorrow, I did almost no study in the holidays,

My fault... And I'm okay with that, idc

...Ipod typing is harder...

What is my life,

1 comment:

Hoggle said...

Haha longest chain I made was starting by Strepsils and Sesame Street. And then Elmo. But elmo and sesame St are on opposite sides of the diagram