Sunday, July 31, 2011

So I kinda had an idea for a fiction book (that's kinda cliche)

This is the blurb for it...

----"621!" she yelled, I shuddered and stood up, walking down the aisle to the oversized desk, there was little to say now.
In the streets of City 5 lives Citizen 621, his parents were taken away from his. He is, like every other person known only by his 11-digit number, no names, no identifying features, just the same clothes, faces and lives. But trouble is brewing in the fiery underbelly of the city; and the time has come for bonds to be formed and challenges faced. But who knows who you can trust when no names exist and friendship is a foreign concept in the barren corridors.
Join 621 on the adventure of his life----

Yeh that's really it.
Hell, I got bored while cleaning the shower.

Good luck in English tomorrow.

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