and i got this really awesome one which is like earthbound related and stuff (cause earthbound is just like, yeah. fuckin amazing. lifechanging. etc etc)
here is a pic

(I got the black one)
and its friggen awesome cause like, the back looks like space themed clothing, which is pretty risky shit to wear...
but it aint! its like, a subtle reference to this:

here are some screenshots of starmen within earthbound just cause:

the first one is actually technically a starman jr but whatever, still counts, and it looks the same as normal ones (buzz buzz is an ally who helps you out)
the second one with the spikes is a final starman, the most powerful type in the game
and the third one is a ghost of starman which has more pp so uses more psi attacks
it is basically an enemy known as a starman and its a central sort of figure to the mother/earthbound series even though it didn't appear in MOTHER 3. whatever. the main earthbound fansite is called so that tells you how much important it is
so anyway, i was waiting for this anticipationlike for weeks and then today i got one of those little things in the mail that was like, 'come pick it up bitch' and so i was all, fuck yeah, and i waited like 2 hours from that to go pick it up because,,, idk i just did.
and then i picked it up
and i got home
and i opened the parcel
it was one size too small
so yeah, moral of the story is I fucking love earthbound if you're gonna buy me a hoodie from the US, i'm a size L not a size M
oh yeah, and always check the size properly when you buy shit online
oh yeah, and remember, smoking is bad for you
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