Monday, February 6, 2012


I just got back from a super sugoi mahjong game with singaporeans.

wahhh it was really fun. at first i thought that i would suck but i didnt suck. We played with money and there were new things that i learnt and I gained 8o cents (meant to be 8 dollars if we played for real but we played with small amount so people wouldnt lose so much) and hui got over 2 dollars which was the most that anyone won. Infact, the two guys we were playing against lost money instead~!

heheheh i really wish i could play like that again.


smaaazzzzz said...

aww man, I miss mahjong...

Xedalenar said...

never underestimate the power of your mahjong, you are the daughters of the powerful mr and mrs yap.
But seriously your parents pwnage skillz cam off onto you guys haha

Xedalenar said...


Xedalenar said...

oh god of all words....