Monday, February 6, 2012

My past few days

So yeh the past few days, my internet has been a pile of shit and today my mum allowed me the use of her little portable mobile internet thing.
I can only really be on here for 5 minutes so this is how my last few days have been:
Made my room into a mess and watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Got up at one, cleaned the bathroom, vaccuumed helped mum prepare food for family friends dinner at our house and had dinner with family friends

Got up at 12, bought a tablet for uni stuff for $300 (Partial birthday present), helped mum clean out the linen cupboard and watched all Season 4 of HIMYM.

Yeh my life is pretty boring but had my internet box been working I probably would have replaced all that except buying the tablet, the vaccuuming/cleaning and the getting up times with internet browsing, tumblr etc etc.

Anyway 5 minutes are up.
What have you guys been up to?



Xedalenar said...

ha. Feel the pain of no internet. (its horrible isnt it)

Brian said...

Watching so much anime.

So so much. The irony is that my word verification is "ample" too.