Friday, February 17, 2012

so guys I came a cross a dilemna

guys I'm learning french in italian and because the french teacher (who happens to be a neighbour) speaks italian, french, english and I'm pretty sure also spanish I was talking to the teacher in a mix of italian and english while he explained things about french
first french lesson! conditional tense which would be really excessively complicated if it wasn't virtually identical to italian especially in the way its used ie je mangereis = (io) mangerei,  il/elle mangereit = (lui/lei) mangerebbe etc.
so maybe at the end of this... more like, probably at the end of this I'll return with a decent amount of french as well as italian, unless i cbf studying which is likely

on to the main point! let me tell you about my latest dilemna

well apart from the fact that its nearly 11pm and i have to go to bed cause of fucking school tomorrow and how it's hard to wake up here cause out of bed is so cold plus not having a stable sleep cycle yet etc

coming up soon (tuesday? idk) is carnevale here in italy
and I have no idea what to go as
and all my friends (? or just classmates maybe) here are girls and they are all going as american indians and stuff but like none of the indian costumes they have here for men are that good

so like, Betty (my friend...? classmate whatever) was all like, "dude how about you go as someone from one piece" in italian cause I was like trying on a costume at the shop for a cowboy but I didn't really like it much and I think they are getting a bit tired of my indecisiveness lol and so I was all, "yeah sure ok, zoro maybe" and she was all "ok! :) ciao!:):):)" in italian because that's how she says things ok*...
but yeah I really don't want to go as Zoro cause like, thats basically cosplay and so I would be going, as a foreign exchange student, to a party/parade thing dressed as a character from an anime by myself and there would be photos and shit like that and it'd be embarrasing and make people think less of me
but yeah idk if you guys saw the post on my wall about it and stuff but that's what it was

so yeah, I've decided against it I mean there's still plenty of time and stuff but seriously you don't understand how this was seriously stressing me out and I'm not a person who gets stressed out much so this is fucking weird

in retrospect it seems like nothing but its a really big deal for me at the moment ok, like really I have been completely preoccupied with it and it's ridiculous, what the hell is this anxiety

*lol you guys should see all the texts ive gotten so far, so many :)s and ciaooooo ciaoooo!!!:):) and ciauuuuuuuuu ciauuuuuuuuu!:):):) which is sard for ciaooooo ciaooooo!:):):)


Lambert said...

If you don't want to go as Zoro then don't. What is the theme or whatever for carnevale?

AcionMan! said...

Hey mang

Mang I just thought of an idea

Mang I

Mang I know it's still cosplay

But mang listen

Mang I reckon you should

Mang you should go as this guy

AcionMan! said...

But seriously bro, think of a theme you really want to go as, and find a way to work to that.

See whatever clothes you have in your wardrobe, or just go to a facny costume store (or maybe even a second hand shop.. if they have those in Sardinia) and find clothes than can be used in dress-up. Like, that Altair costume at Blackheath I wore, that was literally just my man dress and my jacket with Hogg's scarf (sorry Hogg).

99% of costumes is in the imagination.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

american indian? dats marrd!
um you should totally get a big head dress thing and do colored stripes on your face. it would be mad awesome. For some reason, i thought carnivale would be in summer.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

fuck this is the funniest thing ive ever read lol.

i mean not really but i found it superly funny.


go as zolo. kekekekekekeke do it. it's your only chance to dress as zolo.

and also you are that type of person to get stressed out by this sort of thing kekekekeke.

sorry for being unhelpful