Thursday, December 3, 2009

all this love, save up for nothing~ I never felt so good song is incredibly gay. I has anyway.

lol@the similou, why do they pretend they are straight.

so the last one was like, whoah. you guys (many of you) dislike much of yourself, and I'd never guess any of those things.
(but thats a rather pessimistic view on the world.)
((not that Im a great optimist or anything.))

so in the interest of equality...
what are the two best things about yourself in your opinion?

I'll start:
1. My friends (corny much)
2. My uncontrollable cynicism

Not to pump your egos (or mine ftm) though...


Kwon said...

1. Food
2. anti-socialness

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

1. i love everybody (like actually(even if it dont look like it (except ms murphy who is the biggest bitch in the world and hate her)))

2. my ability to try and be opened minded to everything and not shut people down just because we disagree

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

1. that im not too jugdemental or shallow.

2. that i have a brain..(?)

AcionMan! said...

1. I consider myself very level-headed and try not to let strong emotions make my decisions for me

2. I think I have a very good sense of Awesome Costumes - they have been known to get a lot of praise :P
And then, one day in Leichardt, I saw this old couple wearing these really "crazy" costumes with lots of streamers and make-up and they looked like Ice-Cream cake, and I didn't like their costumes. Not one bit at ALL. And to add injury to insult, they were like going round to people saying "Why is your child wearing these unapprovable everyday clothes?" as in they were making a statement, which really made me angry. AND then, whilst usually I would just discredit everything I said as just my own opinion, I actually thought to myself that I have the RIGHT to criticise these people, as I am an awesome costume expert. I know what I am doing, and I disprove ^.^

(Yeah, I know I sound a bit egotistic there, but that's one thing I'm proud of for myself :P, and after all, that's what this thread is about :D)