Friday, December 11, 2009

Holidays. tueday?


How have ur hols been?

Not much has been happening with me.

I went out on wednesday night and it was fun. slightly awkward but fun.

Anyways. What are you guys doing on tuesday?

I am free from looking after my sister. so yeh.

How are ur hols going??

Well sleep now



Lord of the Palmtrees said...

MY holidays have been pretty DAMN awesome so far!!

1. i saw blaise on thursday and it was megaz awesome

2. I spray ppainted stuff at home

3. MUTHA FUCKER GREENDAY FUCKED ME UP. OH MAH GAWD. YEAH. THEY RIPPED THE SHOW FO ME. and like i got an awesome shirt and that was soo worth every cent spent on. FUCK.

4. Tuesday? i'll be in melbourne kakakakakkaka

5. I got tickets to franz ferdinand

6. 11:13pm 11/11/09, blaise sends me a random text that she's in newtown with dom and crew and stuffs and she saw some guy that looked like an older lankier version of hambley

7. LOL. aiight then

Betamaxrules said...

Mine have been alright.
And I'm not doing anything tuesday, I think.