So I was sitting at home packing my suitcase and i thought, I should probs write on the blog.
So here I am.
I leave tomorrow at 8am to go to Europe and yeh. its cool.
I'm not looking forward to the flight itself, because I have to be on planes or in airports for over 24hrs and thats rly exhausting. Plus I have to look after my (can get very grumpy on international flights) sister.
The scarier thing is that we have to change planes at Singapore and we aren't unaccompanied minors or anything.
So yeh.
I will miss you guys and see you when I get back (5th January or after)
Oh also, Yum cha was pretty awesome and so was the beach but I got burnt.
Also. I'm making a game/competition thing.
Name your favourite memory of the year that you had with friends and tell us about it.
Then vote about others out of 10.
My favourite memory from the year was when we were in vietnam and we were in the train cabin having that rave party and ppl came in and we talked. That was a lot of fun.
I miss Nam.
I wanted to put a video in but it took to long, so i put a photo instead.
Well see you guys soon.
ACTUALLY, See you guys next year!!
rave party on the train at vietnam? sounds like it would have been fun.
best memory: tyler's last day, parcour on the roof. me and tyler urging jules to ask b out. everyone then followed us for some more parcour, with people. rhiannon got lost.
haha that was pretty good. 8/10
rave party, 8/10 = awesome
tylers last day, i dont know, its not something im going to remember for the rest of my life you know? 4/10
for me, the thing ill remember the most is me, maxim and mad hanging out in his gaming room. we"ve done it dozens of times, but for some reason that one time felt really.... teenage boyish. twas just a fun moment, procrastanating, NOT filming, talking bout girls. being friends. i dont expect to win cause its kind of a you had to be there moment but.... yeh
well i cbf ratin but mine was the day rhiannon was away from school. Jks its one of the best but not the best i reckon it has to be picnic day cus it was so awesome
Rave party = 9.5/10
Parcour wit tyler = 7.8/10
Teenage-boyish time wit maxim =7.2/10
and my memory for 2009 is probably at joel's little party thing in january when we slid down that hill wit cardboard and played wit guitar hero and glow sticks and that was fun.
and also, see you emily hogg! hae fun in europe and love yoU!~~
rave party 9.23423/10
Cos that was fucking awesome. that was shitloads of fun
Parcour wit tyler 8/10
i wasnt there but i reckon it would be pretty sweet, like tyler's last day and wut not
lassie and maxim 8/10
nothing's better than the good ol days of friendship.
Picnic day 7/10
that was pretty good aswell eventho there was like 17 people, which was probs what made it better
Joel's party in jan 09 10/10
that was soooo awesome!!
my fav memory would probs be maheena's party that blaise passed out it etc and i thought it was funny, and with paddy thinking that the dog flew. yea fun stuffs.
the formal was pretty sweet too
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