Sunday, December 13, 2009

looking through the posts and drafts and etc

because im an admin and i can do that, I went through to the very beginnings of this blog...
and it was a completely different thing back then.

we wrote long posts and ranted about things, we organised "parties", we had a competition which has still not overed officelike (hooray for mangling the engliesh speakness) to design an icon for the blog if it were to be bookmarked on an itouch/iphone (changes in the blogspot code disable this possibility), ru posted lots of pictures from neopets, ella posted aswell. it was more exclusive though, not by purpose but by mere ignoranceofexistance and lackofcontributors. (yes those are now word)

and all we had for its birthday (2 september, and that was me by myself (my self!) cause in my mind i try by myself (myself!) cause in my mind i try i cant hold on, to anything watching everything spin... *smaz apologises profusely! but nothing happened.* was this. good, yes, but is no birthday stuff.

smaz even had his own little language inside his head.

"sp'c es nogu, sp'c ess'v proni po on blo con mo am'c'z."

and a stupid little code to which he still remembers.

hmmm. what an oddly nostalgic guy this smaz is. he should shut up and post a youtube video nobody will watch.

but yeah, its funny how in this world everything can change just like that, that, like that, that, like, just like that.

hmmmm. oh well. its good like it is. just, different.


JD said...


Betamaxrules said...

omg this blog and my dog share a bday, and they rhyme.

I remember my first post...
it was retarded.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Good times.