Sunday, December 27, 2009

Collective 8 Hours of Driving

can really take it out of you, especially during the festive season.

Christmas was very Ho-Hum for me (no pun intended,) we did all the usually stuff, and, aside from one of my aunties, saw all of my family, but some of that certain.. "something'.... just felt lacking.
I got CoD6, some clothes, a watch and an electric shaver for Christmas (yeah, I can take a hint :P) but i'm happy coz I try not to get too materialistic, especially around this time of year, and I didn't really know what I wanted for Chrismtas anyway.

And since I'm lazy and 'tis the season to Copy and Paste, here's my rant about my fading Xmas spirit from a few weeks ago:
To me, it doesn't really feel like Christmas time - like, I know that it's close to the 25th December and that I'll be seeing all of my family real soon, but it just doesn't have that same special "something" to it, no more spending hours at night anticipating the inevitable presents Razz

Maybe it's cause I'm growing up and now in High School, so we don't get all of the "colour Santa passing out on the couch" activities and we don't make a big fuss about it, or perhaps it's just that I can't really think of what I want for Christmas and I'm not really too bothered with what I get. Or maybe it's cause they only started advertising Christmas ads in actually December this year, instead of something stupid like September.

But, I dunno - I know I'll enjoy myself at our family farm, and I'm sure I'll appreciate the presents in the end Wink, but there's just something there that's... missing. :\


and Happy New Years everyon!

EDIT: OH! Yeah! Coz it was raining at we were at our very humbling *cough*boring*/cough* farm and it was raining, me Nafan and Garry had to make our own fun, so we went around killing each other with stealth kills and it was raining adding to the "warfare" atmosphere and we all agreed on that! And then after that we got bored again so I was just walking outside and I picked up a mozzie lamp-stick thingo and started attacking zombies with it, and then Nafan joined in and started killing zombies with his Earth-Bending skills, then I became a wind Bender and Garry became a Fire-Bender and we killed a lot of zombies :D
And we saw a pig which was cute, but then it peed itself and we left.
And then we had all of these stuff toys in our bedroom from when we were young, and one of them was retarded so we had to put it down by breaking its neck, and all of us couldnt stop laughing :D

Plus I had two beers on Christmas day, and I didn't feel tipsy, which is a new record for me! Alcohol Resistance +20%!


Șмž said...

sounds like awesome! all i did was sit around in my grandparents house as my grandmother abused my grandfather and my aunt who has downs.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

alcohol resistance increase? lol awesome.

all i did was go to my sister's boyfriend's family's house and celebrate christmas with them. it was fun tho..

AcionMan! said...

Milo!! Did he get Nesquick?!

Jonny Boyz said...

oh oh thats nice..... i spent my chrisnas on a boat, sailing the staits of mozambique, and playing golf.... on a boat, twas awwwwesome. then we went harpoon fishing, and i harpooned fish, and a ray, and then we played with dolfins, but one was to ruff and i got a bruise, and then we ate the fish and ray that we harpooned, and then i got really stoned and passed out on the beach, then it was morning. possibly the best christmas since the birth of christ.

+ its my bday today.