Saturday, July 30, 2011

creative writing

put some symbolism in yo creative writing guys
do this.

the one i'm doing is, the coming of age story where character development is equivalent to pieces on a chess board

The story is about a knight. It starts in a world-spanning nation on a barren planet. The issues of faster-than-light-travel and its effects on politics is a major element of the story.

This is a tale about mistrust. The story is about an outgoing circuit priestess. It starts in a capital city. The story begins with someone questioning authority, climaxes with an insight, and ends with a birthday preparation. The generation gap plays a major part in this story.

The story is about a gambler who is best friends with a network engineer. It takes place in Rio de Janeiro. The story begins with someone faking a skill.


Hoggle said...

mines about a guy in a corridor, who is also coming of age but he realises the path to being respected in society destroys him morally, reducing him to a child inside.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Mines a story about a this kid, who is also coming of age but he realizes he has been taken to an institude beaquase he accidentally suspected the city of creating conspiracys and he has to escape from the place he doesnt belong.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

my story is about a coming of age platypus that has a strange white dot on its eye causing all the other platypuses to reject him.
he tries to become friends with other animals but they reject him too and he gets angry and sting them with his spurs so the animals are forced to be nice to him and finally he has friends