Monday, July 4, 2011

personality type

so yeah, I'm just procrastinating/provaricating because actually starting to study is killing me + I left my scientific calculator at school so Imma not really attempt the maths qs properly (oh yeah, and physics hahaha)

so what personality type are you? according to the Myers-Briggs type indicator thing

so yeah, post what type you guys are I guess, its kinda interesting. yeah.

here's like, a quick breakdown:
E - extrovert
I - introvert
S - sensing/concrete
N - intuition/abstract
T - thinking
F - feeling
J - judgemental
P - perceptual
I'm wasting so much space but its blogger's fault cause they cant do small text, and I forgot how to do that in html

also, that website that tells you what famous people are what type, is good because it has vague sort of adjectives as well as like, theoretical romantic compatibilities based on personality type. its good stuff


Hoggle said...

I got infj, which is what I get every time, same as Jerry Seinfeld, Goethe and Nelson Mandela.

AcionMan! said...

I got both INTJ (which is what I always get) and INFJ (Thinking and Feeling where both 50%).

Reading both INTJ and INFJ on Wikipedia I can accurately say I am pretty much exactly both - I prefer INFJ a little more, but there will be moments when INTJ, and others where I'm IMFJ. They're pretty similar, anyway.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i am INFP!

looks like the majority of us is IN people.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Goddamn its so true.

JD said...

Hey, we should start an INFP party up in here.
A party where we all type and little social interaction is involved....

I also got INFP

Anonymous said...

I'm an ENFJ!
So different to you guys but it sounds about right I guess.
Same as Oprah. :D