Thursday, May 10, 2012

6:22 am

so its 6:22 am. and i have not yet gone to sleep even though i have been trying to for the last 3 hours. what the fuck is wrong with my body?? what should i do about this as it is the 2nd time in a week this has happened and its making university very difficult.


Jonny Boyz said...

i've been going to sleep at like 12

its been weird for me too

AcionMan! said...

I went to sleep at 6am and woke up at 8pm yesterday

Fun shit

Jonny Boyz said...

maxim you're in my old cycle.

how i got out of that shit. STUDY HARD

do it at like 11 pm. you will automatically feel really tired cause you dont want to do it and then go to sleep as procrastination. this is what happened to me.

dunno if it'll work for you but gotta give it a try man. might even get some work done..

Hoggle said...

Yeh that's supposedly what my body wanted to do, go to sleep til 8pm but Uni kinda fucks with it.
Also studying doesn't work for me, I tried that and now I ust lie in bed for 3 hours staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep.