Saturday, May 5, 2012

Physics makes my head hurt

So I am sitting in my room doing my Physics test assignment thing.
It's not due til 11pm tomorrow but I will probably have a hangover tomorrow and it's just easier to do it now while I have the time and my head isn't hurting.
But the stuff we are doing in physics at the moment is like physics and chemistry.
The question I am trying to do now is about Kinetic theory of atoms, then the previous one was about specific heat of air in a piston.
Basically thermodynamics
It hurts my head. But it should only take me another hour and then I don't have to worry about it any more.

Anyway, I'm off to put my washing in the dryer, eat some cereal and continue my work.

EDIT: I finished that quiz thing 5 hrs early; I got 80% so not bad. Now all my other work to do.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...


Șмž said...

...wait what

tomorrow you'll have a hangover?
are you doing your assignment drunk emiy hoggg

i think thats a very good, australian idea you have there
also the cereal part
a very very good idea