Wednesday, May 9, 2012

in the library today, i was studying like a bitch, and i had forgotten my head phones so i had to listen to all the people around me (because i need a mac (because the stupid uni only puts Indesign on the macs)) and there were 3 girls sitting next to me doing management and they had to write a 10 minute play on good conflict resolving or something. and i was listening to them write their play and i was like..... "that used to be me having all that fun writing plays, but instead now im doing shitty essays about things i dont understand, i should have done drama"

but then i was like "drama? wtf would you do with drama?" and then the girls realised i was staring at them and kind of looked back at me like "wtf are you doing ?" and then i was awkward.

so anyway yeh currently hating my life, or more specifically past jon and his shitty decisions about his work ethic.
basically i hate myself and my classes.


Lambert said...

ikr right?

Lambert said...


Lambert said...

But really, my uni work ethic is really bad and I don't really like most of the stuff I do/ don't understand.

We'll get through it holmes!

Hoggle said...

I get where you guys are coming from.

Just on a side note with liking what you are doing, why don't you transfer or something. You are in Semester 1 university, you can really do whatever you want now as long as you don't fail a course. Find something you want to do and do it, because life is too short and you are young for such a short time, that if you aren't liking what you are doing, change it. Remember you are the one that will regret the decisions you make and you need to make those decisions for yourself. Remember too, if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life, but if you hate it, you'll spend your time wondering what it would be like, if you were doing something different.

Just a side note to Jon, if you want to do drama, why don't you do a double arts/communication degree, I'm pretty sure they do those in places.

Lambert said...

Next term I'm gonna put more effort into stuff I like (now that I know a bit more).

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

'Next term I'm gonna put more effort into stuff'

Didn't we tell ourselves that everyday since year 11?

Go lambie! I believe in you~