Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hahah actually courses at my uni






It's like Greendale night school.

These are the general ed subjects. The classes science and engineering students have to chose 2 of to take through uni to make us more well rounded. Apparently our timetables weren't full enough.

Hahahah how I feel in my lectures sometimes.

Also, who does a degree in Dance? What is the point even?


Anonymous said...

The first three sound AWESOME.

And to your last question... to become a dancer?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

You are going to do the first one aren't chu?

Also your last sentence hurt me. hurr hurr

Șмž said...

the 'is life a gamble?' one sounds like it could actually help an engineer

but please tell me you didn't pick the first one
you picked the first one didn't you
i think it'd ruin it...

Șмž said...

and also, my sister is gonna do a degree in dance, legit probably