Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I was walking around Japans city

And there was love in a hopeless place. It made me smile,
and then shine a light through an open door. (insert more lyrics)
But seriously i dont understand all the lyrics in that song.

I stopped Judo club by the way. It turned out to be inssanneelleeyy tough, 7 days a week 2 1/2-4 hours a day depending on the day, i was really scared to say i wanna stop to my sensei because he reminds me of a really strong Japanese warlord. (either shimazu, or oyakata)

But yeah, so strike one, judo gone. Im having trouble deciding whether i should join Kendo or Kyuudo. Kendo is japanese bamboo/wooden sword training, and in that club there are about 6 people, 4 of them are 1st years (one guy who went to america for 4 years and i get along well with) and 2 are 2nd years (my grade). {also i frequently think.....omg these guys were in year 9/10 when i was in year 12} The second years a both girls, and one of them is my host brothers girlfriend. But the second years hardly go to kendo. But i really wanna learn to fight with a sword more. And also the first year guy is really strong, hes done it for 8 years.
And the kyuudo club is japanese archery, good points it has heaappss of people so i can make plenty of friends (and a really insanely good looking guy) and also i like archery. However, bad points, it takes like 5 months to train to actually shoot a bow, and yeah....poo.
Either club i join, im definatley buying the shinigami-like outfit haha so badass.

Advice?? Id appreciate it heaps!

Also i miss you guys alot. Hui you were in my dream, and we fought against my judo teacher haha.

Also i had a disorientated dream of schoolies, the hotel was more like twilight tower (thin and tall) and very posh and titanic-decoritive style. When you guys dream, do your minds distort the original image of the place you are seeing? I have dual images of places in my head, one of what reality shows me, and one of how my head interprets it. Stupid hipster brain.

Btw hogg that anti corrosion-magic is awesome! It reminds me of how you put a copper wire around a tree that slugs like to eat the leaves of, because their slime has an acidic chemical reaction, silly slugs ho ho ho.

I have to take biology, which is fine cause i have an interest in it anyway- but seeing as though i barley know the english meanings of the scientific jargon, doing it in japanese is level 100 >.< (yeap im in japan haha)

Also, ive recently realised (well i mean i was always kinda conscious of it) that whenever i think/read something, the voice that interprits it in my head is a kids voice. I think i might try from now on and make it a mans voice, it might be a psychological thing hey. I guess its time i grew up (even though im in school again haha oxymorrroonnn)
No youre a moron.

Okiz im off, gonna drink some strawberry milk and sleep soon (i really need to cut down on the sweets)

Miss you guys



Șмž said...


kendo of course

I mean c'mon its sword fighting everyone knows swords can even beat guns

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Do kendo man. I mean if it takes 5 months to even train, you're not going to be in Japan forever so then you can come back and be a kendo pro.

hahah When I dream I see a totally distorted place but a part of my brain convinces the other parts that it's the same place that i've been to so the rest of my brain is like, ok it's the same place. and then when i wake up im like, wtf it was totally not the same place.

stay healthy with strawberry milk~~

Hoggle said...

Yay, you're alive. Do Kendo man, even I have to admit that sounds guvking awesome.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

oooh im so jelly T~T and hhahahahah did we win the fight? probs not.. ><

AcionMan! said...

Kendo bro. If ever you get into a fight just look for the nearest wooden stick and use your kendo skills on the attackers.

And yeah, I do the same place distortion thing in my dreams. If I dream I'm living in my house, it will completely different to my actual house but I will feel nothing wrong, but as soon as I wake up I'll realise how completely unhousey my house was in my dream.

Lambert said...

I reckon I'd choose kendo cause that just seems really awesome!!! But at the same time, if you want to do the archery one more, then you still have the time there to "shoot a bow, and yeah....poo" if that's what you really want to do. But I think swords and stuff are cool so I'd choose the sword one!

For the dream thing, I remember before schoolies that Madisun told me that dreams are our bodies way of preparing us for certain scenarios (they used to be more likely but I think he said that now that people don't really have to worry anymore, dreams are able to get crazier). So yeah....poo.

See ya soon man and have an awesome time!!!

Xed said...

thanks guys so much, i joined Kendo (sword club) and its going all good. I cant wait to get stronger and beat my typical anime enemy in the near future, who was actually close to me all along.

And its interesting hearing how all our brains distort the crap outta everything, and yet it happens to everyone? Wtf human body i dont get you.

But yeah thanks again guys i will try my best this time n doubt!