Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Future is Here

Guys so you know in Futurama how they all get iPhones and it's like a screen in front of your face.
I always thought that was a thing of the distant future but then I was browsing through the engineering tag on tumblr and I came across this. I know it would initially look exceedingly dorky but if everyone had one it would be a very interesting way to communicate. Like a phone I guess. But seriously, watch the video and realise how amazing technology is.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

have you seen the touch glass thing by corning?

but does that mean that you gotta be wearing something all the time? also, having things pop up in your vision would be kinda distracting and i think it would drive me crazy

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

I feel that this will be bad for my constant need to jay walk...

Șмž said...


the best part of the video.
we use those things here to make coffee and they are really good.
I'm gonna bring one baack to australia because seriously they are good

Hoggle said...

I dunno smaz, I thought they had those here. I just looked it up, they are called Moka Pots.

Șмž said...



I'm still gonna bring home an authentic italian one just cause