but we can still make it happen! we can make a difference!
sacrifice your house for a night! OR find a house to sacrifice! drug them, kidnap them and throw them out of the house and use it! Do whatever u can! you, yes You! you can make a difference!
find a house, make it happen. make it possible and make it come alive!
(Operation find mel a location for her party, it needs to be done)
how can we party everyday, p-p-p-party everyday i gotta feeeling if theres no party?
it might not happen, but you can make it possible!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
so guys
if you arent doing anything tommorow, we should have a welcome back marlena party. yeah. with guitar hero. yeah. and there will be cake.
ED: k guys. be at my house tomorrow at like 11 for it. uh, someone bring guitar hero wii stuff. like, a guitar and a wii-mote. yeah.
Kero: yeah guys, bring your drum kits and dont forget yo WII-MOTES!!!!!!
Kero: yeah guys, bring your drum kits and dont forget yo WII-MOTES!!!!!!
sm2: it looks like maxim isnt coming. so sad. so marlena, you must bring a guitar controller thing and two wiimotes (mic + guitar). or a drum kit maybe even.
Super kool racing kid
Got back from Perisher last night, being a super kool racing kid and all that. Came fifth in boarderX but I don't think they'll let us into nationals cos we're too slow, even tho they say they take the top 5 D:
But yeah, so that was fun. But I probs missed out on heaps of school stuff, and my science is gonna be late and I have to do my german speaking task (shit) and catch up on maths.
Also, Annie Feng and Orange. DX
Um, so yeah, back at skool tomoz. Also, the bibs they make you wear to race are amazingly unflattering. Also, Maxim, did you get the tape with the film? And did you remember to credit that guy we got the house exploding footage from?
Questions, questions.
Friday, August 28, 2009
In the time of Chimpanzees there was a monkey...
SO guys, if ya'll not doing anything tomorrow, 12 at george st cinemas and we might watch a movie at 4 so bring your id.
reply if your coming
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Guess What!?
After that rather short lived contest, the person who won is Anonymous
Tis Sylvie's 2nd Birthday on the 3rd
Why do you come out of yeee shadowy anonymous nature now so i can present to you your prize...at the formal....if i'm going ......or picnic day....if i'm going
What is the deal with the Date?
Can anyone of you guess what special occasion it is on the 3rd of September?
winner receives one prize from me on the day i see you silly people on picnic day..if i end up going...or your silly formal...if i'm going
man, why do people keep ditching school. People are probs going to ditch school tomorrow cause we have that art assignment to do. argh....
yeah smaz, why havent you been in school? and madison. and rhiannon. and hannah. and amira. i guess i dont actually expect them to come to school but like...
yeah smaz, why havent you been in school? and madison. and rhiannon. and hannah. and amira. i guess i dont actually expect them to come to school but like...
and also, i am the true child of Annie Feng and Jules Kirk.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
emo burger
so, i was like reading this shojo and then, this guy was all like "get your butt over to emo burger" and i was like, woah, a burger hang out for emos? we need one of those. and it can just collect more and more emos and become the emo hangout. or they could just build a burger place right on top of townhall steps XP
yea. top model's on in 15 minutes :D
hui is bored. noone has posted anything. so i did. about emo burger. anon ftw
yea. top model's on in 15 minutes :D
hui is bored. noone has posted anything. so i did. about emo burger. anon ftw
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Holy Fuck...
... I just got back from watching District 9... shit it was a good film. Like it had an interesting story, but then had fucking awesome action too... AND No sex for once :D
But.. woah.. I now wanna go firebomb mcdonalds or something :\
But.. woah.. I now wanna go firebomb mcdonalds or something :\
happy me guys
finshed my geo
not that you care
D: \
also ITT: random mumblings of randomness that rhyme... facebook killed tihs hear blog, like a small country town from a TNC a slog.
hugs, yes hugs, i live in the land of huggers, tree huggers, teddybear huggers, people huggers. but i dont care if somebody hugs a plant or an imitation of an animal, what i care about is those people that hug other people. i do it too. where i live, its like a greeting. its how the french kiss each other on the cheek to greet each other. well hugs are great and all but when i get those wimpy hugs
its just like eh. it just kinda bugs me. do you not like me or something? or are you afraid to ruin your make up and/or hair?
its like a handshake, you can tell if a person is confident or not by their handshake. THey would squeeze your hand, no to hard, not to wimpy either. and those people are the ones you end up admiring. but then there are those wimpy ass handshakes. what the hell? why? hwhy do they do that?
its just like eh. it just kinda bugs me. do you not like me or something? or are you afraid to ruin your make up and/or hair?
its like a handshake, you can tell if a person is confident or not by their handshake. THey would squeeze your hand, no to hard, not to wimpy either. and those people are the ones you end up admiring. but then there are those wimpy ass handshakes. what the hell? why? hwhy do they do that?
what subject selections stuff are you doing?
I would like to do:
A. Maths extension 1 (B)
B. Maths extension 1 (B)
D.Modern History (but only as a placeholder for IT in TAFE)
E.English advanced
G.Visual Arts
I hate PDHPE so much I'm going to not even fill in the line it's in.
and I'd tick the box for TAFE.
now, go. do as I have told you. reclaim this land, and rebuild Atlantis!
A. Maths Extension
B.Biology + Maths Extension
C. D&T
D. French
E.English Advanced
F. Physics
G. Visual Arts
but i'll probs drop physics after like a week since im only doing it cos my parents are making me. and i hate it. and i dont want to do so much anyway.
oh lol, hey smaz, u know that sogeking thing i have thats like a little idol on a keychain? i won one of Sanji yesterday and i'll probs go there again after school on monday to get zolo and luffy XD
Saturday, August 22, 2009
the root of evil.
greed is the root of desperation
farmville is the root of evil
boredom is the root of babies
moral of story, never make a deal with the devil. cos she'll eat your babies (made from your boredom you dirty child)
*glares at oranges*
farmville is the root of evil
boredom is the root of babies
moral of story, never make a deal with the devil. cos she'll eat your babies (made from your boredom you dirty child)
*glares at oranges*
Ive got a game fo u
k, i was bored so heres a game. i put faces of riverview kids onto the faces of igs kids. you have to guess who the igs kids are and you get bonus points from knowing who the riverview kids are. And the person who gets the most correct wins a super happy awesome fun bbq face surprise friendship prize.
Friday, August 21, 2009

So im just sitting at the computer waiting for so you think you can dance to be on but no one is on and no one posted n e thing since yesterday so im bored as hell and there has not been a lost sheep.... and ive finish reading the blazer drive, to-LOVE-ru, one piece and d.grayman chapters that are out so i need to find more manga to read now and i have nothing to do...... maybe ill post some pictures ffrom art today but im too lazy for that and also lambie was all like i joined farmville but in true fact he joined farmtown instead which i thought was a rather lambie thing to do but oh well. still a cool kid. Guess i should go read some shojo and i will end with this question: what do you think about the Jules and feng pairing?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
fun stuffs
why did the girl fall of the swing?
she had no arms.
Why did the orange roll down the hill?
it ran out of juice!!!!
What did one potato say to the other potato?
Impossible, no one has two potatoes.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
This corner of the earth...
...It's like me in many ways...
The halcyon days that I never thought would pass have and now only exist in my imagination, my memories of this place and you concealed not by my own choosing... but yours.
And that place... the most beutifull i'd seen... and I'd also seen trashed by the carelessnes of others intoxicated, simply uncaring of the beauty that once was...
I don't get what this fear is today of being innocent, or even beutifull...
I wish, well my wish is that we could live in a place where there would be no need for tears... no need for escapism through intoxication... Whether this place were to exist metaphorically through our minds, shared or physically... an oasis from this life is none of my concern... I just wish it'd happen...
When I saw you, I wanted to say run away with me away from these lies...
This could be the start of something truly real!
...But all I could say, was hey
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
You know what i hate?
My Preliminary exams
i think from now on i'll post really really short posts just to suit the lazy ones
Oh so original
Yet another anonymous trolling the blog, starting to get boring really... especially with the repetition of "lols at you" and all... I'm sure that whoever it is is a very nice person... but could you at least have some origionality?
If you reply "Lols at you" then you're obviously just attention whoreing and you may aswell tell us who you are so we can all just go "Oh wow it's this person how origional of them to introduce us to them by first trolling our blog makeing it slowly more and more evident that they are in fact there then making us have a massive guessing game over it ahaahahaha" if not then just have your little way with us knowing the entire time that what you're doing is real cool 'cause you have us at the edge of our seats trying to figure out who you are...
If you reply "Lols at you" then you're obviously just attention whoreing and you may aswell tell us who you are so we can all just go "Oh wow it's this person how origional of them to introduce us to them by first trolling our blog makeing it slowly more and more evident that they are in fact there then making us have a massive guessing game over it ahaahahaha" if not then just have your little way with us knowing the entire time that what you're doing is real cool 'cause you have us at the edge of our seats trying to figure out who you are...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Just sayin'
ah. today has been a goood day.
i stole 5 black sheep today and now i have 12 black sheeps. this makes mee very happy.
ok, ill shut out about farmville already...
am at chapter 10 of blazer drive now ^_^
i stole 5 black sheep today and now i have 12 black sheeps. this makes mee very happy.
ok, ill shut out about farmville already...
am at chapter 10 of blazer drive now ^_^
This is an excerp from 'Perspectives of a fifteen year old' by Jules Kirk
the wind, the waves and the water
does a being stand...
in a tide that will always change...
do you get direction...
with no correct compass...
is the answer...
in the riddle of life...
questioning positions...
where am i?
social hierachy...physical state...mental ability...knowledge...
they say that knowledge is power...
does that mean ignorance is weakness...
society has made a choice to believe therefore fulfil its aim...
wat have i chosen...wat will i choose...
does a being stand...
in a tide that will always change...
do you get direction...
with no correct compass...
is the answer...
in the riddle of life...
questioning positions...
where am i?
social hierachy...physical state...mental ability...knowledge...
they say that knowledge is power...
does that mean ignorance is weakness...
society has made a choice to believe therefore fulfil its aim...
wat have i chosen...wat will i choose...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
ru asked me to post so im posting
pretty pointless really however if anyone has a gun
could i plz borrow it to shoot the geography teacher
who wrote the assignment
pretty pointless really however if anyone has a gun
could i plz borrow it to shoot the geography teacher
who wrote the assignment
from here on, till the end of time
wait, till the end of this post, everything'll rhyme
im posting a post cause my post coasts the most
straight through life, as if its easy as toast
but its not, and it should know that by now
ima lookin at it, shaking it up, "bitch, how?
you're never gonna get through life with that attitude
you'll get a shitty job like being a tattoo dude"
and the post looked at me, "come on bitchpls
im just a post thats posted on like a tease
to the brain of your mortal hatred
in this way, im pervertedly catered
to your disdain, your dislike, your general annoyance
now go to the corner, bitch, and iron my pants!"
and so i pondered to myself, as i quite did
about what secret message this strange message hid
and then i gave up trying to rhyme because my brain was dead
I just had the craziest thought!
What if you were writing a song, and you just put in random sharps and flats? Like, I don't mean accidentals, I mean like, you just put random sharps and flats in the key signature?
So, like, you just had g sharp and and a sharp the entire time? Or e flat and g flat? Or c sharp and a flat? I mean, who says you have to stick to one key? You don't!
This is very exciting.
so i left my geo assignment at school
can somebody give me a general idea of what we need to do, so i can do something and then adapt it when i get the sheet tomoz... plz help
Saturday, August 15, 2009
We have to get together tomoz, but oh noez!
My mum is teaching!
We can do filming from 2:45 till 4:00, but, like, we have to be all set up and ready to go then. So get to my place by, like, quarter past two.
And Megan as well.
Tuesday is bad cos I'm leaving early Wed. morning DX
Marlena, Jon and Madisun were being gay, so even though its 2.15 we've only just started filming. Also, Jon doesn't have his uniform, so we can't do the shots with him now. I dunno hwen I'll be finished, but i think soon coz we're gonna get all my shots out of the way first.
Yeah, i know, this sucks. But hey, if everything turns out crap there's always tuesday lol
Yeah, i know, this sucks. But hey, if everything turns out crap there's always tuesday lol
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
man, i really need help
ok,.... this is how addicted to farmville i am..
- i have to post on the blog about it
-thats all josh and i talk about
-josh and i talk about how we are addicted to it
-i refresh the home page waiting for cows
-i literally think about 24/7
-i post on the blog about how addicted to it
-i admit its a problem but i cant let it go
i am such a loser...
Why did the orange roll down the hill?
because tyler was down there!!!!!
n e hui, can jules kirk lord of orange join our blog?
n e hui, can jules kirk lord of orange join our blog?
and this voting thing closes at like tomorrow so if you dont vote, ill judge your vote by your attitude towards him like so if your joel or marlena, ill probs say you guys vote no and yeah.
smaz! you skipped school so that you could play farmville???? you and rhiannon have been gone for the same amount of time but i saw you at that meeting thing.
and i met this guy called ru kero on facebook. yes, there actually is another ru kero in maldives who is also fifteen years old and enjoys watching/reading anime and manga.
n e way, i figured the system of farmville. i cant steal cows from julie marbot, James mitchell and ayla jones. which sucks cause ayla like finds sooo many cows and i cant steal them. but on a brighter note, i can steal cows from smaz, kwon, josh and joel. and also, josh and i have a really common addiction which you can probably guess. ah, its good to have someone understand this sad and pathetic addiction.
this is kwons army of cowsss
fuck million dollar baby is a great film
i'd just like to say so cause i watched it again and it still makes me want to cry
and i think it's the only movie to make me do so
i need a tissue now *sniff sniff*
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
shit, im not very good at this.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello
Stranger: Hello der
You: goodbye
You have disconnected.
Take 2: I personally think I did much better this time.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: "hi!".
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what is your name?
You: well, it says here that I am "you"
You: whats yours?
Stranger: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Take 3: Uhh, this thing is starting to piss me off.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: m f
You: depends
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Take 4: FML.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: horny ?
You: damn straight
You: so... hows the weather?
You: FML
You have disconnected.
Take 5: Well, fuck.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: oh fuck, you again
You: Always the same name :'(
You: I don't think I have talked to you though.
Stranger: probably not
You: How can you say 'you again' when it says that you are 'you' in front of you?
You: Because if you are you and I am you then how can we both be you?
Stranger: it's like lennon said
Stranger: i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
You: This is so deep.
You: Like deep blue waters.
You: In which I live :')
Stranger: you've never heard that before?
You: No, I do not have ears.
Stranger: that's highly unfortunate for you
You: I realise this.
Stranger: it's a great song
You: I would not know. :(
You: Have you ever experienced eating plankton?
Stranger: not that i know of, but it's possible i've eatten some accidently
You: It is the bulk of my diet.
You: I hope one day you will try some.
Stranger: our bodies are very different. plankton doesn't taste good to me
You: It tastes lovely.
Stranger: what species are you?
Stranger: you sound smarter than an orca
You: Dear child, I am the great blue whale.
Stranger: child? how old are you?
You: 74.
Stranger: man
Stranger: you're almost as old as my grandma
You: But older when you take whale years into account.
Stranger: in which year were you born?
Stranger: how do you hear your whale friends singing if you don't have ears?
You: The year of 1935.
You: I lied about not having ears because I did not want to feel embarrassed that I did not hear your song. :(
You: Are you the Beatle?
Stranger: nah, the Walrus
You: I could swallow you.
Stranger: true
You: I must depart, I must deliver a parcel to my good friend.
Stranger: k
You: Goodnight, sweet young one.
Stranger: tell them the walrus says sup
You: I shall.
You: Sayonara~
I like Mr Flower :D
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Hey :D
Stranger: hellow
You: Hows it going?
Stranger: sorry i can't understand im a flower
You: Flower?
Stranger: yeah
You: That's prety awesome
Stranger: thanks
You: I mean, what's a flower doing on the internet and all... Do you use your petals as hands?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i cant speak so thats is the only that i can do to speak to somebody
You: Wow... that's pretty amazing.
But I mean, being a flower and all... what kind of music do you listen to?
You: Can you even hear music?
Stranger: yeah
You: That's pretty whack xD
Stranger: i listen heavy metal :D
You: Heavy man....
Stranger: heavy flower
You: So what kind of colours are you?
How do you pick up on chick flowers?
Stranger: im a green radiactive flower and this let me see,hear,and write on that lost portable computer
You: Wow man, harsh...
Wait... if you smoke weed... are you smoking one of your own kind?
Stranger: moreless but i dont smoke i cant walk and i havent got mouth
Stranger: are you a smoker
Stranger: ?¿?
You: Not really, just a strange thought that came accross my mind, that must suck though... not being abel to walk... but I guess your a little more privelaged then most other flowers...
Stranger: yeah but it isnt easy im alone because other flowers cant speak to me and for this im probably all the day here
You: D: awwww
You: I'm sorry Mr Flower but I have to go
You: good night!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Hey :D
Stranger: hellow
You: Hows it going?
Stranger: sorry i can't understand im a flower
You: Flower?
Stranger: yeah
You: That's prety awesome
Stranger: thanks
You: I mean, what's a flower doing on the internet and all... Do you use your petals as hands?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i cant speak so thats is the only that i can do to speak to somebody
You: Wow... that's pretty amazing.
But I mean, being a flower and all... what kind of music do you listen to?
You: Can you even hear music?
Stranger: yeah
You: That's pretty whack xD
Stranger: i listen heavy metal :D
You: Heavy man....
Stranger: heavy flower
You: So what kind of colours are you?
How do you pick up on chick flowers?
Stranger: im a green radiactive flower and this let me see,hear,and write on that lost portable computer
You: Wow man, harsh...
Wait... if you smoke weed... are you smoking one of your own kind?
Stranger: moreless but i dont smoke i cant walk and i havent got mouth
Stranger: are you a smoker
Stranger: ?¿?
You: Not really, just a strange thought that came accross my mind, that must suck though... not being abel to walk... but I guess your a little more privelaged then most other flowers...
Stranger: yeah but it isnt easy im alone because other flowers cant speak to me and for this im probably all the day here
You: D: awwww
You: I'm sorry Mr Flower but I have to go
You: good night!
quick somebody, i lost my geo sheet and i cant do it... someone post some questions or somehting..
also, i saw rhiannon and her st andrews boyfriend while i was in the bus and she was outside that st andrews building.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Yeah, I'm like that... what of it?
Anyway,I'll post here soon... when I get home probably but yeah...
im so gay
i actually prefer it when people talk about their feelings and stuff then people talking about a random topic like rocky horror picture show or a random blog about tooths.
just a thought. (ok smaz, i posted something [anything])
just a thought. (ok smaz, i posted something [anything])
ugh, i sound so pathetic.
so fucking bored right now
please please please post something... anything...
i p-p-poke her face oh i poke her face
Sunday, August 9, 2009
My name is
so. today, i woke up in the laundry room. and it was like six thirty in the morning and i'd accidentally used blaise's under garment as head support. Comfy, but lolworthy. In the night, Jon and I took sheets and towels and rugs straight from the dryer and it was nice and warm to sleep in.
Also, Joel put my Patti down his pants. twice.
but i could sleep without Patti that night as i had warm sheets around me that acted like Patti. I'm such a loser.
and I had some ethanol. It made me crazy and i started writing 'FML' on Blaise's floor with a glowstick. And i drank 1/3 of Hui's special cola while Jon drank 2/3. and Lambert was about to drink some but luckily i stopped him in time.
I'll post more about the party in the days to come. And pictures aswell. Goodnight Everybody/
Also, Joel put my Patti down his pants. twice.
but i could sleep without Patti that night as i had warm sheets around me that acted like Patti. I'm such a loser.
and I had some ethanol. It made me crazy and i started writing 'FML' on Blaise's floor with a glowstick. And i drank 1/3 of Hui's special cola while Jon drank 2/3. and Lambert was about to drink some but luckily i stopped him in time.
I'll post more about the party in the days to come. And pictures aswell. Goodnight Everybody/
Ok guise.
I'm doing trade for my geo assignment.
(Very important)
Here's one that's really good if you need it, and it has info for all the other links too.
It says our stuff is year 9 work. DX
hui is addicted to farmville
man. pointless stupid things are soo much fun.
i love everybody <3 -^_^-
i left my jeans at blaise's house but penzy left one of her shoes there bahahahah
also, for some reason, i didnt realise when the cake time was and didnt see the cake nor did i sing happy birthday. weird..
i love everybody <3 -^_^-
i left my jeans at blaise's house but penzy left one of her shoes there bahahahah
also, for some reason, i didnt realise when the cake time was and didnt see the cake nor did i sing happy birthday. weird..
You: i need a poo
Stranger: 8=============================D
You: win
Stranger: hey do you have a penis
You: maybe
Stranger: do you have a small penis
You: NO
You: its huge
Stranger: my balls dropped yesterday
You: wow
You: awesome
You: good for you
Stranger: i'm exited
You: in a sexual way?
Stranger: you gay crap
You: why?
You: you're the one that asked the length of my penis
Stranger: you shit your probably only 10 years old
You: um...
Stranger: were are you from?
You: you're the one who's balls have just dropped
You: im from your mom
Stranger: fuck you
You: okay
You: hot
Stranger: mather licka
You: YOUR mother licker
Stranger: you have a hairy vagina
You: I thought I had a penis
Stranger: your dick got cutt off
You: oh
You: that sucks
Stranger: bye your mom!
You: by YOUR mom
You: wait...
Stranger: fucker
You: wut
Stranger: your mom has a penis now
You: awesome
Stranger: go take your shit
You: she's using it to fuck you mom
Stranger: that was your first word doosh
You: oh rite
Stranger: rappist
Stranger: chineese ass hole
Stranger: your straight ew...
You: wut
Stranger: yeah a retarted gangster
You: great
You: ima nigger now
Stranger: fuck all the vitnamese
You: um...
You: they're not niggers
You: they're azns
Stranger: do you play runescape
You: no wtf.
You: fag
Stranger: i don't play
You: oh ok
You: good
Stranger: do you have a brother that plays
You: no
Stranger: or sister
You: why the fuck wuld I
You: my family's better than that
Stranger: fuck runescape
You: inorite
You: sucks
Stranger: you are shit bag
You: so are you
Stranger: you have a small penis
Stranger: this is it
Stranger: 8==D
Stranger: that's it
You: I thought it got chopped off
Stranger: fag
Stranger: you glued it back on
You: douchefag
You: where did my vagina go then?
Stranger: i will fuck you tonight
You: great
You: I can't wait
Stranger: ill touch your balls in a happy way
You: oh good
Stranger: 8=D
You: I didn't want you to touch them sadly
Stranger: 8================D
You: that's my dick?
Stranger: i'm happy of today
You: really?
Stranger: yeah!
You: never would have guessed
You: so am I
Stranger: cause i get to toucha a strangers balls
You: yeah
You: I bet you're happy to touch my balls
Stranger: and you can touch my ass
You: oh
You: awesome.
Stranger: girls asses are wider than boys
You: yeah, I know that
Stranger: there 12 inches
Stranger: 1 foot
You: you mean you can fit a foot of dick in?
Stranger: for a nice smooth dick to go inside
You: a smooth nigger dick
Stranger: smooth tan dick
Stranger: you fucking nigger
You: yeah.
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: i have a gf
You: nigger with a massive dick
Stranger: ytou dont
Stranger: i have a wild dick
You: I have your mom
Stranger: i have your brother
You: I have your sister
You: fag
Stranger: he has a small dick
Stranger: this is the size
You: just like you
Stranger: 8===D
You: wow.
Stranger: mines went up his ass hole
You: I wouldn't know cos I don't look at my brother's dick
Stranger: well good for 5 year olds vagina
You: your sister?
You: yeah
You: nice and tight
Stranger: your brother gets a boner and you when you look at a naked man
Stranger: bye bye fucker i got to piss
You: if its a sexy nigger
You: i need a poo
Stranger: i am a sexy nigger
Stranger: i have a vagina
You: great
You: me too
Stranger: and big black breasts
Stranger: like big blacks
You: im a big black
Stranger: on rob&big
You: big black dick
Stranger: see you nigga
You: bye
You have disconnected.
It was awesome.
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