Sunday, August 23, 2009


hugs, yes hugs, i live in the land of huggers, tree huggers, teddybear huggers, people huggers. but i dont care if somebody hugs a plant or an imitation of an animal, what i care about is those people that hug other people. i do it too. where i live, its like a greeting. its how the french kiss each other on the cheek to greet each other. well hugs are great and all but when i get those wimpy hugs
its just like eh. it just kinda bugs me. do you not like me or something? or are you afraid to ruin your make up and/or hair?
its like a handshake, you can tell if a person is confident or not by their handshake. THey would squeeze your hand, no to hard, not to wimpy either. and those people are the ones you end up admiring. but then there are those wimpy ass handshakes. what the hell? why? hwhy do they do that?