Sunday, August 16, 2009

from here on, till the end of time

wait, till the end of this post, everything'll rhyme

im posting a post cause my post coasts the most
straight through life, as if its easy as toast
but its not, and it should know that by now
ima lookin at it, shaking it up, "bitch, how?
you're never gonna get through life with that attitude
you'll get a shitty job like being a tattoo dude"
and the post looked at me, "come on bitchpls
im just a post thats posted on like a tease
to the brain of your mortal hatred
in this way, im pervertedly catered
to your disdain, your dislike, your general annoyance
now go to the corner, bitch, and iron my pants!"

and so i pondered to myself, as i quite did
about what secret message this strange message hid
and then i gave up trying to rhyme because my brain was dead


JD said...

Toast isn't easy... trust me I know from experience! xD

Șмž said...

oh, toast is very easy, if you know what i mean

...but try not to get crabs

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i have crabs

im madison