So im just sitting at the computer waiting for so you think you can dance to be on but no one is on and no one posted n e thing since yesterday so im bored as hell and there has not been a lost sheep.... and ive finish reading the blazer drive, to-LOVE-ru, one piece and d.grayman chapters that are out so i need to find more manga to read now and i have nothing to do...... maybe ill post some pictures ffrom art today but im too lazy for that and also lambie was all like i joined farmville but in true fact he joined farmtown instead which i thought was a rather lambie thing to do but oh well. still a cool kid. Guess i should go read some shojo and i will end with this question: what do you think about the Jules and feng pairing?
go read fairy tale. its good. also, jules is way out of his depth going out with the feng. legend!
waht! more than one potato?
i do not like the pairing but i think it will last a while....
i also do not like the pairing but i don't think it will last too long.. who knows
Go the pairing!
i don't even know who they are XP
i quite like them together and people were all like, alright jules! scoring with the feng! and anonymous, why dont you like the pairing? but i have this problem that when i refer to annie and jules, i have to say'jules and annie' or else ill accidentally say 'annie and liam' for some reasoon cause i keep saying that and i sound like such a tard.
I think it's cute :P
Also I'm quite envious of Julez!
i happen to think that annie could do better and i am slightly jealous so this is my opion
Bah, I like her so I'm not way happy bout it. But if she's happy, then so be it. *shrug*
ah i wish i could have that attitude but alas i do not
Who are you? D:
who am i? i am a capulet. but my affections are extended towords jules but thyn site brings him no joy and other then that you need not know my true identity because that would bring shame to myself.
are you tyler?
no i have some emotions
I bet its marlenaman!!! the pieces all fit! First, it has emotions. second, it likes the feng. and who has a mad crush on the feng, none other than marlenaman. and, marlenaman is also a capulet.
It says that their affections are extended towards Jules, not feng. :o
eww its pretty sad that someone likes an orange
yup its marlena.
your wrong and i am kinda offended that u think i am marlena. i thought you'd know better specailay u hui :(
aww man, im sorry annonymous.... hmmm who has a crush on the feng, thinks that jules is eww and has emotions....
i m a girl i think
you think? man, it must be really awkward when you are in a restaraunt, and you have to go to the toilet, and there are the man and woman signs, you think you should go in the womans one but you really cant be sure, i mean what if your a man...
yeah, must be awkward.
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