Thursday, August 13, 2009


smaz! you skipped school so that you could play farmville???? you and rhiannon have been gone for the same amount of time but i saw you at that meeting thing.
and i met this guy called ru kero on facebook. yes, there actually is another ru kero in maldives who is also fifteen years old and enjoys watching/reading anime and manga.
n e way, i figured the system of farmville. i cant steal cows from julie marbot, James mitchell and ayla jones. which sucks cause ayla like finds sooo many cows and i cant steal them. but on a brighter note, i can steal cows from smaz, kwon, josh and joel. and also, josh and i have a really common addiction which you can probably guess. ah, its good to have someone understand this sad and pathetic addiction.

n e hui, marlenaman was all like, i dont want to see any of this farmville so here you go:
this is kwons army of cowsss


Șмž said...

what a cool kid, kwon :D
no, i spent the whole time i was sick reading FMA, and yet I'm only up to no. 10. what is this?
oslo i miss'd my music assment so all is good. mmm, 99 red balloons. hmmm. idea. will get a kevin oh sevin speech from the intarblag, then mix with nena musics for... 99 rudd balloons!
proper english is being of that those are losers.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

lol. FMA? what a cool kid. well i am at chapter 3 of blazer drive... good for you for missing yo music assessment.

Betamaxrules said...