Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why did the orange roll down the hill?

because tyler was down there!!!!!

n e hui, can jules kirk lord of orange join our blog?
and this voting thing closes at like tomorrow so if you dont vote, ill judge your vote by your attitude towards him like so if your joel or marlena, ill probs say you guys vote no and yeah.


Șмž said...

uhh, jules kirk knows some powerful secrets, mystical magicks, and whatever else the excuse is. so if we do, he'll post 50 posts saying "grow some balls, sam." "man up, sam." "relationships are better if you just treat them like a game."

but yeh, he is a cool kid, so i vote yes.

Anonymous said...

I vote yes.
He's mostly kinda crap, but not so bad.

Betamaxrules said...

I vote yes, actually.
Like I'm going to exclude anyone.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

heh heh, speaking on excluding... (starts going on rant about excluding and people and starts bitching about peoople. ah ru all you talk about is yourself and your ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru...)
im madison..