Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: oh fuck, you again
You: Always the same name :'(
You: I don't think I have talked to you though.
Stranger: probably not
You: How can you say 'you again' when it says that you are 'you' in front of you?
You: Because if you are you and I am you then how can we both be you?
Stranger: it's like lennon said
Stranger: i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
You: This is so deep.
You: Like deep blue waters.
You: In which I live :')
Stranger: you've never heard that before?
You: No, I do not have ears.
Stranger: that's highly unfortunate for you
You: I realise this.
Stranger: it's a great song
You: I would not know. :(
You: Have you ever experienced eating plankton?
Stranger: not that i know of, but it's possible i've eatten some accidently
You: It is the bulk of my diet.
You: I hope one day you will try some.
Stranger: our bodies are very different. plankton doesn't taste good to me
You: It tastes lovely.
Stranger: what species are you?
Stranger: you sound smarter than an orca
You: Dear child, I am the great blue whale.
Stranger: child? how old are you?
You: 74.
Stranger: man
Stranger: you're almost as old as my grandma
You: But older when you take whale years into account.
Stranger: in which year were you born?
Stranger: how do you hear your whale friends singing if you don't have ears?
You: The year of 1935.
You: I lied about not having ears because I did not want to feel embarrassed that I did not hear your song. :(
You: Are you the Beatle?
Stranger: nah, the Walrus
You: I could swallow you.
Stranger: true
You: I must depart, I must deliver a parcel to my good friend.
Stranger: k
You: Goodnight, sweet young one.
Stranger: tell them the walrus says sup
You: I shall.
You: Sayonara~