Sunday, August 16, 2009

I just had the craziest thought!

What if you were writing a song, and you just put in random sharps and flats? Like, I don't mean accidentals, I mean like, you just put random sharps and flats in the key signature?
So, like, you just had g sharp and and a sharp the entire time? Or e flat and g flat? Or c sharp and a flat?  I mean, who says you have to stick to one key?  You don't!

This is very exciting.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

yep. rmb the mieeeeewww-sic thing?

Betamaxrules said...


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i mean

meeeeeeee-yuuuuuu sic thing

lol rmb in yr 7.. we had to do that music thing... nvm..

Betamaxrules said...

oh. ok.
I getcha now.

Betamaxrules said...

You mean the meeeeee - yuuuuuuu sic thing.