Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
As the year comes to pass...
Firstly, nominate the post that you think was the best of 2009 so you can either repost the post or link to it..
You cannot nominate a post that you yo self wrote.
this is my fav post:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
By Betamaxrules at 6:15 PM
You cannot nominate a post that you yo self wrote.
this is my fav post:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
By Betamaxrules at 6:15 PM
Happy New Year
Hi Guys.
Its only the 30th of December but I won't be able to get to internet on new years day so I am saying this now.
Happy New Year and yeh have a great time.
Also someone should organise something for like the 7th or 8th or basically any day after that so I can see all you guys
Gotta go drive to frankfurt so I can go to Madrid
PS: Facebook is being a bitch!!
It won't load.
Its only the 30th of December but I won't be able to get to internet on new years day so I am saying this now.
Happy New Year and yeh have a great time.
Also someone should organise something for like the 7th or 8th or basically any day after that so I can see all you guys
Gotta go drive to frankfurt so I can go to Madrid
PS: Facebook is being a bitch!!
It won't load.
roads to balmain closes at 3 pm.
public transport still works but its pretty crazy.
OH!, and also, if you are coming, ima buy chips and 3 roast chickens and if you want mee goreng, just holla.
You can stay over if you want.
public transport still works but its pretty crazy.
OH!, and also, if you are coming, ima buy chips and 3 roast chickens and if you want mee goreng, just holla.
You can stay over if you want.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Year's EVE!!!!
So like if yall arent doing anything on new years eve, you should come to my house at like 3-4 o'clock or something and we should hang out and prepare for new year's eve. you could come later if you like. anyone can come. we should see the fireworks together so please reply if your coming cause nothing will happen if nothing is confirmed.....
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Collective 8 Hours of Driving
can really take it out of you, especially during the festive season.
Christmas was very Ho-Hum for me (no pun intended,) we did all the usually stuff, and, aside from one of my aunties, saw all of my family, but some of that certain.. "something'.... just felt lacking.
I got CoD6, some clothes, a watch and an electric shaver for Christmas (yeah, I can take a hint :P) but i'm happy coz I try not to get too materialistic, especially around this time of year, and I didn't really know what I wanted for Chrismtas anyway.
And since I'm lazy and 'tis the season to Copy and Paste, here's my rant about my fading Xmas spirit from a few weeks ago:
To me, it doesn't really feel like Christmas time - like, I know that it's close to the 25th December and that I'll be seeing all of my family real soon, but it just doesn't have that same special "something" to it, no more spending hours at night anticipating the inevitable presents
Maybe it's cause I'm growing up and now in High School, so we don't get all of the "colour Santa passing out on the couch" activities and we don't make a big fuss about it, or perhaps it's just that I can't really think of what I want for Christmas and I'm not really too bothered with what I get. Or maybe it's cause they only started advertising Christmas ads in actually December this year, instead of something stupid like September.
But, I dunno - I know I'll enjoy myself at our family farm, and I'm sure I'll appreciate the presents in the end
, but there's just something there that's... missing. :\
and Happy New Years everyon!
EDIT: OH! Yeah! Coz it was raining at we were at our very humbling *cough*boring*/cough* farm and it was raining, me Nafan and Garry had to make our own fun, so we went around killing each other with stealth kills and it was raining adding to the "warfare" atmosphere and we all agreed on that! And then after that we got bored again so I was just walking outside and I picked up a mozzie lamp-stick thingo and started attacking zombies with it, and then Nafan joined in and started killing zombies with his Earth-Bending skills, then I became a wind Bender and Garry became a Fire-Bender and we killed a lot of zombies :D
And we saw a pig which was cute, but then it peed itself and we left.
And then we had all of these stuff toys in our bedroom from when we were young, and one of them was retarded so we had to put it down by breaking its neck, and all of us couldnt stop laughing :D
Plus I had two beers on Christmas day, and I didn't feel tipsy, which is a new record for me! Alcohol Resistance +20%!
Christmas was very Ho-Hum for me (no pun intended,) we did all the usually stuff, and, aside from one of my aunties, saw all of my family, but some of that certain.. "something'.... just felt lacking.
I got CoD6, some clothes, a watch and an electric shaver for Christmas (yeah, I can take a hint :P) but i'm happy coz I try not to get too materialistic, especially around this time of year, and I didn't really know what I wanted for Chrismtas anyway.
And since I'm lazy and 'tis the season to Copy and Paste, here's my rant about my fading Xmas spirit from a few weeks ago:
To me, it doesn't really feel like Christmas time - like, I know that it's close to the 25th December and that I'll be seeing all of my family real soon, but it just doesn't have that same special "something" to it, no more spending hours at night anticipating the inevitable presents

Maybe it's cause I'm growing up and now in High School, so we don't get all of the "colour Santa passing out on the couch" activities and we don't make a big fuss about it, or perhaps it's just that I can't really think of what I want for Christmas and I'm not really too bothered with what I get. Or maybe it's cause they only started advertising Christmas ads in actually December this year, instead of something stupid like September.
But, I dunno - I know I'll enjoy myself at our family farm, and I'm sure I'll appreciate the presents in the end

and Happy New Years everyon!
EDIT: OH! Yeah! Coz it was raining at we were at our very humbling *cough*boring*/cough* farm and it was raining, me Nafan and Garry had to make our own fun, so we went around killing each other with stealth kills and it was raining adding to the "warfare" atmosphere and we all agreed on that! And then after that we got bored again so I was just walking outside and I picked up a mozzie lamp-stick thingo and started attacking zombies with it, and then Nafan joined in and started killing zombies with his Earth-Bending skills, then I became a wind Bender and Garry became a Fire-Bender and we killed a lot of zombies :D
And we saw a pig which was cute, but then it peed itself and we left.
And then we had all of these stuff toys in our bedroom from when we were young, and one of them was retarded so we had to put it down by breaking its neck, and all of us couldnt stop laughing :D
Plus I had two beers on Christmas day, and I didn't feel tipsy, which is a new record for me! Alcohol Resistance +20%!
sunday's best in broken glass
so like my mom got a wii for christmas and milo lent us his brawl so like i've been playing brawl for the last few days and its like pretty awesome. except now i has a game console besides a playstation 1. and smaz should have a pool party some time since its the hot season and we dont want that pool to go to waste
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The reeling Shuttle's remix
This is a must listen, congrats to Passion Pit and Passion Pit's own Shuttle for the amazing remix!
So what'd everyone get for Christmas?
I got
-Plantronics Gamecon 367 Headset
-+10 awesome shirts (almost all from Jay Jays or Dangerfield)
-DJ lessons (Which might not happen) so probably some present = to DJ lessons
And now i'm off to the computer store to buy a 20'' monitor a G15 keyboard and a Razer Copperhead mouse!
I got
-Plantronics Gamecon 367 Headset
-+10 awesome shirts (almost all from Jay Jays or Dangerfield)
-DJ lessons (Which might not happen) so probably some present = to DJ lessons
And now i'm off to the computer store to buy a 20'' monitor a G15 keyboard and a Razer Copperhead mouse!
Merry belated christmas
So yeh.
Merry belated christmas.
Hope you all had a great time. I have to send the postcards in Germany because they don't have stamps to Australia where I am now.
I go to Leipzig tomorrow (8 hours on a train) but at least I got a White christmas. I
Gotta go now,
Merry belated christmas.
Hope you all had a great time. I have to send the postcards in Germany because they don't have stamps to Australia where I am now.
I go to Leipzig tomorrow (8 hours on a train) but at least I got a White christmas. I
Gotta go now,
Currently in Udaipur, India at the moment. Wasting time while I wait for .... well, sleep to come. Ahahaha, I'm guessing it's around 1-2am in Sydney, so, no one will be awake... I hope you guys had a fantastic christmas. C: I know that mine wasn't, ahaha, stuck in Mumbai airport for 4 hours, not exactly how I wanted to spend it, already had so many different experiences.... sleeping on the floor in the airport for a first...staying up for 34 hours.... *dying slightly*
Well, I hope you guys have a great holidayyy. C:
*feels like a monster chime because I rarely post in the blog* I miss you all <3
Well, I hope you guys have a great holidayyy. C:
*feels like a monster chime because I rarely post in the blog* I miss you all <3
Friday, December 25, 2009
Dr. Rurru
so then i found this manga called Dr. Rurru and guess what, it like to-LOVE-ru is also ecchi. coincidence huh?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
down with the sickness
so i have a ragingly bad fever. last night i was 40 degrees.
i didnt sleep at all. was hell. actually.
just saying.
(also is why i didnot see avatar)
what better xmas present could you ask for?
Happy Christmas Eve!!
btw, the presents under my tree are wrapped in those posters we got from supernova.. bahahahahha
love ya'll XOX
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Was freaakin awesome saucesum!!
we saw it in 3D today and it was really good. there wasnt a moment when i wanted to fall asleep (which like never happens!)
mmm good movie is good.
then afterwards, me and ru randomly saw mary somewhere and she had also seen it today. good fun. and i got a discount on my purchase at KFC cos paddy used his employee card thing
we saw it in 3D today and it was really good. there wasnt a moment when i wanted to fall asleep (which like never happens!)
mmm good movie is good.
then afterwards, me and ru randomly saw mary somewhere and she had also seen it today. good fun. and i got a discount on my purchase at KFC cos paddy used his employee card thing
Movin' on...
Anyway... so I'm now moving on to 7chan seeing as now 4 chan lacks peanut butter and 7... also they banned racism... what kind of a world are we living in...
Here's a funny picture... gets me everytime.
Here's a funny picture... gets me everytime.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
so anyway..
The lastest KUROSHITSUJI is out!
*flailssssss**** bahahah im soooo happy....
<3 Kuroshitsuji
*flailssssss**** bahahah im soooo happy....
<3 Kuroshitsuji
IMPORTANT: must read bout plans for tomorrow
i jus check the imax times and all of tomorrow sessions are sold out!!! (NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IKR) well we can still go and see it tomorrow in 3D at like a normal cinema or we can call it off. watchu say guys?
Solution: tomorrow avatar 3D at george st cinema, movie time 1430 and the price is $14.50. probs meet at 1330-1400 post 'I' if your comin or jus turn up if you cbf typin
Solution: tomorrow avatar 3D at george st cinema, movie time 1430 and the price is $14.50. probs meet at 1330-1400 post 'I' if your comin or jus turn up if you cbf typin
Monday, December 21, 2009
School Certificate
English: 93 % - Band 6
Mathematics: 87% - Band 5
Science: 94% - Band 6
Geography: 90% - Band 6
History: 82% - Band 5 (I would've thought that was my best subject :P)
Well, I'm happy, and apparently so are my parents, and to Year 11, I have this to say to you -
Bring it >:D
Mathematics: 87% - Band 5
Science: 94% - Band 6
Geography: 90% - Band 6
History: 82% - Band 5 (I would've thought that was my best subject :P)
Well, I'm happy, and apparently so are my parents, and to Year 11, I have this to say to you -
Bring it >:D
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Hey you know what else we should watch?
Where the wild things are
Also, did you know that in 1878 on May the 2nd in Minnesota in a Wheat Flour mill, a spark ignited air-bourne flour dust within the mill causing an explosion that wiped out the seven story washburn mill and other nearby mills which killed 18 people? It was known as the great mill disaster.
So instead of using petrol or other flammable gases and liquids, you could use flour to start an explosion...
Also, did you know that in 1878 on May the 2nd in Minnesota in a Wheat Flour mill, a spark ignited air-bourne flour dust within the mill causing an explosion that wiped out the seven story washburn mill and other nearby mills which killed 18 people? It was known as the great mill disaster.
So instead of using petrol or other flammable gases and liquids, you could use flour to start an explosion...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
So what's everyone doing on New year's eve?
You guys wanna get together and watch the fireworks or something?
i hate the government they changed the paintball laws from 12 back to 16 like last week meanin most of us wont be able to go who ever was goin. so in rage most of the paintballers are gathering for a laser tag session. it is at darling harbour and it is $12 per game before 4 pm. who ever wants to join and i havent spoken to you yet post 'ME' into the comments
Hi From Austria
Hi Guys
Really quick post.
I'm in Austria and I have to go get on a train in like 20 mins but I just wanted to say Hi.
Also. Does anyone want a postcard. Pls write ur addresses and I'll send u one.
Also just a quick note.
I'm in a place called Bregenz and they have a shop selling Bongs and I have a photo to prove it.
Oh, its snowing too and i'm skiing this afternoon
See you soon
Really quick post.
I'm in Austria and I have to go get on a train in like 20 mins but I just wanted to say Hi.
Also. Does anyone want a postcard. Pls write ur addresses and I'll send u one.
Also just a quick note.
I'm in a place called Bregenz and they have a shop selling Bongs and I have a photo to prove it.
Oh, its snowing too and i'm skiing this afternoon
See you soon
Friday, December 18, 2009
school certificate results
what'd you get?
I got:
aus history 81%
aus geo 83%
maths 82%
english 87%
science 91%
computers 99% D:
and i didnt even sit the exams.
im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boreddddddddd
immmmmmmmmmm soooooooooo borrrreeeeddddddd...d.d..d.d..d.d.d.d.d.d..d
we should do something like take a random train somewhere or something... i dunno..
we should do something like take a random train somewhere or something... i dunno..
Hai everybody!
as the year comes to an end, there were many moments that made this year pretty awesome. which were y'all's favourite parties of the year and why?
i fav parties would defs be Joel's on the 5th of Jan, Blaise's birthday, the weekend when i went to maheena's party than mary's party. and smaz's when we won over 900 tickets. And emily booth's was soo much fun aswell.
i fav parties would defs be Joel's on the 5th of Jan, Blaise's birthday, the weekend when i went to maheena's party than mary's party. and smaz's when we won over 900 tickets. And emily booth's was soo much fun aswell.
horrorshow + urthboy tour, $20, late feb next yr.
i think we should go but thats just me
also no busses today
also urthboy free song get (legal too)
Heyy Guys
We need to go and see avatar cuz appaerntly its so fuckin amazing. so me and jules are goin to see it on wednesday. any of you guys want to join? we probs goin to see it at the 3:45 time at the george street cinema.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
so horrorshow
despite that i just saw the queen ant and im deathly afraid of them cause im so manly ima post irrelevant shit noone takes into consideration anyway, to be ignored like the stiff and the broad because i wanna...
you guys should know that the reason aus hip hop is good s cause its so much smarter than american. case in point: horrorshow.
these guys have to be some of the smartest artists i know of in terms of music. (contemp, because classic music people are smart.)
some people say that i think too much, i had a think about it, i think they should shut the fuck up (so fingers crossed that they didnt notice when i had my fingers crossed when i told them they was the dopest)
but still amazing.
It was cool and stuff for like shopping and churros but then we had to leave and go to the airport and then they took my umbrella and i astually cried because it was a reallly nice preety umbrella but your not allowed to take umbrellas with you on airplanes and i was pretty dumb to not know that but i was still sad and crying and stuff. anyway, i went to this mall called 'jam factory' and stole a franz ferdinand poster which im pretty sure the place owns cause its a nice one but no one was looking soo... and then we went to dangerfield and hui asked for one of those posters they had on the wall which was green day and they let hui have it so woop for free posters. and then i tried to take this other franz ferdinand poster but the poster glue havent dried yet and it was way too big so i couldnt take it and then i got glue on my hands.
we should go poster hunting someday.
we should go poster hunting someday.
so i woke up, then had to do stuff, fast forward to 11:00, i was in the city going to go to the movies at 12 with lamboi and other people.
and then i walked through the city for an hour.
then lambert got there at 25 past, and nobody else came.
so we went to buy food, movei was at 1:30. then we saw adrienne and daniel hirsh on a hot date. and we trekked all over the city looking for oprah magazine for lambert.
then we wemt into the movie (invention of lying) and saw marlena and someone else with a cool name.
then i went home.
my house is infested with ants, but it only affects 2 rooms which are the computers room and my bedroom so nobody has bothered ca;lling the ecterminators and the ants bite me. and im kinda scared of them. soo sleeping in the lounge room tonite.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
So yeh.
Hey Guys.
So I was sitting at home packing my suitcase and i thought, I should probs write on the blog.
So here I am.
I leave tomorrow at 8am to go to Europe and yeh. its cool.
I'm not looking forward to the flight itself, because I have to be on planes or in airports for over 24hrs and thats rly exhausting. Plus I have to look after my (can get very grumpy on international flights) sister.
The scarier thing is that we have to change planes at Singapore and we aren't unaccompanied minors or anything.
So yeh.
I will miss you guys and see you when I get back (5th January or after)
Oh also, Yum cha was pretty awesome and so was the beach but I got burnt.
Also. I'm making a game/competition thing.
Name your favourite memory of the year that you had with friends and tell us about it.
Then vote about others out of 10.
My favourite memory from the year was when we were in vietnam and we were in the train cabin having that rave party and ppl came in and we talked. That was a lot of fun.
I miss Nam.
I wanted to put a video in but it took to long, so i put a photo instead.
Well see you guys soon.
ACTUALLY, See you guys next year!!
So I was sitting at home packing my suitcase and i thought, I should probs write on the blog.
So here I am.
I leave tomorrow at 8am to go to Europe and yeh. its cool.
I'm not looking forward to the flight itself, because I have to be on planes or in airports for over 24hrs and thats rly exhausting. Plus I have to look after my (can get very grumpy on international flights) sister.
The scarier thing is that we have to change planes at Singapore and we aren't unaccompanied minors or anything.
So yeh.
I will miss you guys and see you when I get back (5th January or after)
Oh also, Yum cha was pretty awesome and so was the beach but I got burnt.
Also. I'm making a game/competition thing.
Name your favourite memory of the year that you had with friends and tell us about it.
Then vote about others out of 10.
My favourite memory from the year was when we were in vietnam and we were in the train cabin having that rave party and ppl came in and we talked. That was a lot of fun.
I miss Nam.
I wanted to put a video in but it took to long, so i put a photo instead.
Well see you guys soon.
ACTUALLY, See you guys next year!!
Yes, you are Madison...
... and yes, you are also 16 today! Everyone send Madison a Text or w/e just saying Happy Birthday, 'cause he has no official party plans, and he doesn't even know what he's doing today! :P (Typical MADisun!)
So I have the "Reserved Seat" sign from Rod's chair...
... or James Matthison, whatever his name is. Me and Gary just kept out yelling "We love you Rod!" whenever he got on stage. And guess what it says? "Reserved Seat"
So last night was pretty awesome; I went to see the top 5 school-aged acts in Australia, 'cause my Dad's Best-man's step-children were in it. So natuarally, I supported them by default, but in all seriousness they were my favourite act and I would definitely pay to go and see them at a full-blown concert.
They were very hard-core sort of rock, not the "scream-into-the-mic-about-blood-and-guts" hardcore, more like AC/DC but a little more hardcore type hardcore.
There was also a band that sounded a lot like Taylor Swift w/ a Digeredoo, there was a solo guy with a guitar and harmonica, who, for lack of better artist to compare, sounded like James Blunt, there was also a Blink-182 act, who, whilst "good," had a very generic sound and were not even that musically gifted, and the was this cool Rock-orchestra type act with a piano, rock violin and drummer but the singer was a screamer and she sounded a lot like Melanie :D
And since it's gonna be broadcast on Channel V (I dunno when, but look out for "MySchoolAct" sometime 'cause me and Garry might be on it :D) Rod got us all to clap for the camera, first mildly, then a bit more intense, then at the top of our lungs like we had just witnessed the best thing on earth, all at nothing (looking back at it it's actually hilarious if you think about it :D).
Also, as it got all of its money from sponsors, every time he introduced the judges he said "Joe Bloggs from the good People at Nokia - Connecting People" or w/e, but it was cool 'cause that's how showbiz works. Plus there was this other band that didn't make it to the top 5 and they all had skinny pants on and long hair and they went up and danced to all the acts :D
But then, in the end, when they announced the winner, I secretly somehow knew it was gonna be Blink-182, since they were the worst and most average, then for some reason that makes them the most eligibable to win :\ They just didn't entertain me.. they even danced funny :\
What they won was a recording contract with Sony and a full-fledged video clip, but the father of the band I was supporting said he had seen the contract beforehand and said that it basically signed your soul away to Sony so they could tell you to do whatever they wanted to make you more marketable :\
So I guess that's good in a way, 'cause the band I liked (they're called Powerage, BTW) now has more say about any contracts they're gonna get, and they are already drawing interest (my dad said the drummer from the Hoodoo Gurus (???) wanted to be their manager, so in 10 years time when they're the best rock act on earht, I'll be making all their films for them :D)
(Oh, and I had a dream last night , that I was at the internet cafe with all my friends and we having an awesome time, when Miss Murphy came and started talking about the dangers of young activity and how video games are ruining our minds. WTF?! I can't even escape miss murphy in my SLEEP!)
So last night was pretty awesome; I went to see the top 5 school-aged acts in Australia, 'cause my Dad's Best-man's step-children were in it. So natuarally, I supported them by default, but in all seriousness they were my favourite act and I would definitely pay to go and see them at a full-blown concert.
They were very hard-core sort of rock, not the "scream-into-the-mic-about-blood-and-guts" hardcore, more like AC/DC but a little more hardcore type hardcore.
There was also a band that sounded a lot like Taylor Swift w/ a Digeredoo, there was a solo guy with a guitar and harmonica, who, for lack of better artist to compare, sounded like James Blunt, there was also a Blink-182 act, who, whilst "good," had a very generic sound and were not even that musically gifted, and the was this cool Rock-orchestra type act with a piano, rock violin and drummer but the singer was a screamer and she sounded a lot like Melanie :D
And since it's gonna be broadcast on Channel V (I dunno when, but look out for "MySchoolAct" sometime 'cause me and Garry might be on it :D) Rod got us all to clap for the camera, first mildly, then a bit more intense, then at the top of our lungs like we had just witnessed the best thing on earth, all at nothing (looking back at it it's actually hilarious if you think about it :D).
Also, as it got all of its money from sponsors, every time he introduced the judges he said "Joe Bloggs from the good People at Nokia - Connecting People" or w/e, but it was cool 'cause that's how showbiz works. Plus there was this other band that didn't make it to the top 5 and they all had skinny pants on and long hair and they went up and danced to all the acts :D
But then, in the end, when they announced the winner, I secretly somehow knew it was gonna be Blink-182, since they were the worst and most average, then for some reason that makes them the most eligibable to win :\ They just didn't entertain me.. they even danced funny :\
What they won was a recording contract with Sony and a full-fledged video clip, but the father of the band I was supporting said he had seen the contract beforehand and said that it basically signed your soul away to Sony so they could tell you to do whatever they wanted to make you more marketable :\
So I guess that's good in a way, 'cause the band I liked (they're called Powerage, BTW) now has more say about any contracts they're gonna get, and they are already drawing interest (my dad said the drummer from the Hoodoo Gurus (???) wanted to be their manager, so in 10 years time when they're the best rock act on earht, I'll be making all their films for them :D)
(Oh, and I had a dream last night , that I was at the internet cafe with all my friends and we having an awesome time, when Miss Murphy came and started talking about the dangers of young activity and how video games are ruining our minds. WTF?! I can't even escape miss murphy in my SLEEP!)
you know, despite being one of the poorest and corrupt contries on earth, madagascar still has lots of stuff. it has: lots of poverty, lots of corruption, lots of sickness, lots of dogs, lots of chickens, lots of lychees, lots of protitutes, lots of aids (i was misinformed Action man), lots of unemployed people, lots of pollution, lots of forign aids, lots of drugs, LOTS of prostitutes, (i feel like every women on the street is one), lots insane people, and really good bread, they have good bread here. lots of love from the other side of the world. xx
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
so in farmville
when you get a bull and you put it in a dairy farm with cows sometimes you get a calf
Monday, December 14, 2009
'cause they're not the family I'd like them to be
I try to see them without me
And my friends
I'd like to hope they'd treat me that way
And that the means'd justify an end
that my new family won't see me
the way I see my family.
Jesus christ I fucked up
In more ways then one
why am I in this rut
Is it for the rotten love
The apple of temptation
I was told not to eat
I was told to ration
That this wouldn't be a valuable feat.
A hollow man
Deep and purple within
Simply a dirt covered hole
Pin striped and everything but thin
Unatractive but comfortably cold
His dreams aren't his
He'll soar the skys alright
But it won't be what he'd dreamed.
What does he dream of?
A solitary road
Freedom and beauty beyond belief
What does he dream of?
Companionship, idiosynchrosis
Love and beauty hidden behind doors
Torn between the two when he has neither.
Beggars can be choosers
If they've nothing to lose.
I'm sorry I was so shallow
I didn't give you a chance
Yeah, you've probably moved on
I can see the appeal
Uncomfortably warm
Sharp edges and a metallic smell
His shoulders blunt edges
The hands smell like dust
Nervous but unshaken
The edges've already begun to rust.
I try to see them without me
And my friends
I'd like to hope they'd treat me that way
And that the means'd justify an end
that my new family won't see me
the way I see my family.
Jesus christ I fucked up
In more ways then one
why am I in this rut
Is it for the rotten love
The apple of temptation
I was told not to eat
I was told to ration
That this wouldn't be a valuable feat.
A hollow man
Deep and purple within
Simply a dirt covered hole
Pin striped and everything but thin
Unatractive but comfortably cold
His dreams aren't his
He'll soar the skys alright
But it won't be what he'd dreamed.
What does he dream of?
A solitary road
Freedom and beauty beyond belief
What does he dream of?
Companionship, idiosynchrosis
Love and beauty hidden behind doors
Torn between the two when he has neither.
Beggars can be choosers
If they've nothing to lose.
I'm sorry I was so shallow
I didn't give you a chance
Yeah, you've probably moved on
I can see the appeal
Uncomfortably warm
Sharp edges and a metallic smell
His shoulders blunt edges
The hands smell like dust
Nervous but unshaken
The edges've already begun to rust.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
looking through the posts and drafts and etc
because im an admin and i can do that, I went through to the very beginnings of this blog...

and it was a completely different thing back then.
we wrote long posts and ranted about things, we organised "parties", we had a competition which has still not overed officelike (hooray for mangling the engliesh speakness) to design an icon for the blog if it were to be bookmarked on an itouch/iphone (changes in the blogspot code disable this possibility), ru posted lots of pictures from neopets, ella posted aswell. it was more exclusive though, not by purpose but by mere ignoranceofexistance and lackofcontributors. (yes those are now word)
and all we had for its birthday (2 september, and that was me by myself (my self!) cause in my mind i try by myself (myself!) cause in my mind i try i cant hold on, to anything watching everything spin... *smaz apologises profusely! but nothing happened.* was this. good, yes, but is no birthday stuff.
smaz even had his own little language inside his head.
"sp'c es nogu, sp'c ess'v proni po on blo con mo am'c'z."
and a stupid little code to which he still remembers.
hmmm. what an oddly nostalgic guy this smaz is. he should shut up and post a youtube video nobody will watch.
but yeah, its funny how in this world everything can change just like that, that, like that, that, like, just like that.
hmmmm. oh well. its good like it is. just, different.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My day today.
so i was in the city hanging wit actionman and smaz but then we had to go home.
So we decided to take the ferry from the aqurium and it went to balmain east but just as smaz was to get off, we realised we had to pay( cuz we never usually pay for ferries) so maxim paid for us and we bought 3 child tickets but just as we were about to leave, the ferry took of for the next stop but this time it didnt go to thames st wharf (near my house) so we got of at circular quay and decided to take the bus to QVB and take a bus back to balmain.
The Anzac Bridge was blocked for some reason and 441s and 442s were not operating or something so smaz and i had to cross the street and go catch the 433 and the buses took ages but 433s dont go to that late so we decided to catch the 432 which goes to birchgrove but we couldnt be bothered to go through roselle so we got of at victoria road and walked down and then smaz left for a random short cut thing and my dad called up and picked me up.
And that was my day today.
So we decided to take the ferry from the aqurium and it went to balmain east but just as smaz was to get off, we realised we had to pay( cuz we never usually pay for ferries) so maxim paid for us and we bought 3 child tickets but just as we were about to leave, the ferry took of for the next stop but this time it didnt go to thames st wharf (near my house) so we got of at circular quay and decided to take the bus to QVB and take a bus back to balmain.
The Anzac Bridge was blocked for some reason and 441s and 442s were not operating or something so smaz and i had to cross the street and go catch the 433 and the buses took ages but 433s dont go to that late so we decided to catch the 432 which goes to birchgrove but we couldnt be bothered to go through roselle so we got of at victoria road and walked down and then smaz left for a random short cut thing and my dad called up and picked me up.
And that was my day today.
I text a postcard sent to you
did it get through....
sending all my love to you
you are the moonlight of life... every night
sending all my love to you
sending all my love to you
you are the moonlight of life... every night
sending all my love to you
give me novacaine.
Wake me up when september ends.
Good Riddance.
life is amazing. cant wait to march the 4th
give me novacaine.
Wake me up when september ends.
Good Riddance.
life is amazing. cant wait to march the 4th
Friday, December 11, 2009
Holidays. tueday?
How have ur hols been?
Not much has been happening with me.
I went out on wednesday night and it was fun. slightly awkward but fun.
Anyways. What are you guys doing on tuesday?
I am free from looking after my sister. so yeh.
How are ur hols going??
Well sleep now
How have ur hols been?
Not much has been happening with me.
I went out on wednesday night and it was fun. slightly awkward but fun.
Anyways. What are you guys doing on tuesday?
I am free from looking after my sister. so yeh.
How are ur hols going??
Well sleep now
I am covered in paint
and wandering what you guys are doing for the immediate future, or if you know of anyone doing anything in the.. immediate future :D
they were chronic theives, they stole everything
tl,dw; they stole his pineapples so he let them die, then thought god would not forgive him for letting all these people die, but he reminded god that they were tribal people so it was ok to let them die.
Christmas trees!!!
So like have you guys put christmas treesss up or anything cause we should have like a christmas tree competition!.
(fail christmas tree cause my image upload thing isnt working...)
(fail christmas tree cause my image upload thing isnt working...)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i have tickets to both the prodigy and ff.
unreserved seating for both which is good
anyone else?
i was bored so
i went to (how cool i am) and...
no earthbound for vc, even in the A of US. wait
that makes me unbelievably sad...
*plays plants vs zombies out of sorrow*
!also! (not not(also!) though, except none of you get this so ill shu
plants vs zombies is amazing.
So what you guys doing tomorrow/today? in Thursday?
I got a day spare between painting the apartment, so um yeah...
Oh, and this is a little song I like to call Lads:
Lads - all I really want is Lads
And in the morning it's lads
Cause in the evening it's lads
I like the way that they walk
And it's chill to hear them talk
And I can always make them smile
From White Castle to the Nile
Back in the day
There was this lad around the way
he liked my home-piece M.C.A.
He said he would not give him play
I asked him, "Please?" - he said, "You may."
His pants were tight and that's ok
If he would dance - I would D.J.
We took a walk down to the bay
I hope he'll say, "Hey me and you should hit the
I asked him out - he said, "No way!"
I should've probably guess their gay
So I broke North with no delay
I heard he moved real far away
That was two years ago this May
I seen him just the other day
Jockin' Mike D. to my dismay
lads - to do the dishes
lads - to clean up my room
lads - to do the laundry
lads - and in the bathroom
lads - that's all I really want is lads
Two at a time - I want lads
With new wave hairdos - I want lads
I ought to whip out my – lads, lads, lads, lads,
Lads, lads, lads,
I got a day spare between painting the apartment, so um yeah...
Oh, and this is a little song I like to call Lads:
Lads - all I really want is Lads
And in the morning it's lads
Cause in the evening it's lads
I like the way that they walk
And it's chill to hear them talk
And I can always make them smile
From White Castle to the Nile
Back in the day
There was this lad around the way
he liked my home-piece M.C.A.
He said he would not give him play
I asked him, "Please?" - he said, "You may."
His pants were tight and that's ok
If he would dance - I would D.J.
We took a walk down to the bay
I hope he'll say, "Hey me and you should hit the
I asked him out - he said, "No way!"
I should've probably guess their gay
So I broke North with no delay
I heard he moved real far away
That was two years ago this May
I seen him just the other day
Jockin' Mike D. to my dismay
lads - to do the dishes
lads - to clean up my room
lads - to do the laundry
lads - and in the bathroom
lads - that's all I really want is lads
Two at a time - I want lads
With new wave hairdos - I want lads
I ought to whip out my – lads, lads, lads, lads,
Lads, lads, lads,
Sung to the tune of this:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
so, when i said really really need to sort this shit out, i meant... well, im stressing here. the point that is.
1. is anyone else (aside from ru + hui) going to franz ferdinand, because they got pre-sale tickets and so got standing but if I dont get standing I don't want to be sitting alone again...
2. Who is going to the prodigy, and who is going to buy tickets in case we dont get standing so that we are together
like, need this info by tonight, because tickets on sale at 12:00 pm tomorrow.
edit: ookay then. just everyone who's going buy tickets, as theres no reserved seating in the prodigy and no seating in fr ferdn. but ru + hui better be right abowt that... anyone want me to buy them tickets, fine but you have to pay me back.
we really really need to sort out the ticket situation for ff + the prodigy.
because we need to buy tickets tomorrow.
ok. so who is coming and who will buy tickets? (one person so if we dont end up with a standing seat at least we're all together)
they are about $100 each.
I have a spare $100 and am getting the ff one prolly as a christmas present, so i can go to both...
what about the rest of you?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
alpaca tank

due to the unforeseen use and produce, and at large in this small forum,
smaz, yet still sore of sight from mere sixties of pitching flora against those humans,
which, due sore-sighted planning to, rise up from and to the earth as if they were its own,
does ordain to you all this image, and though image tank where image alpaca,
alpaca tank does preceed.
not bored at all.
and also, while we're on that subject...
We should go out to have yum cha someday soon and invite lots of people! lots and lots of people that i actually need to make a reservation at that place! lots of people!
care to join?
care to join?
Picnic Day
Despite the lack of people and the not allowed to go on playgroundnessness, it was pretty good actually had fun and also gonna miss hannah and the other leaving people. what did you guys think of picnic day?
[smaz makes abuses by using secret editingness (smabuse (which also stands for "smaza's abuse")] I don't just delete posts. Also, by writing inredblue, I seem more official somehow. Im like an office.
(Only I prefer not to think of my self as a tool of the capitalistic model in which we supposedly live, although I am very aware that I am in fact a pawn insofaras I survive by using the very artificial and somewhat arbitrary unit of measurement that is money and I will go through education, work, retirement and then die, whilst appearing to be a bit of a brat because I consume the fruits of society yet try to disown it in the same way that punk rock bands oppose the very thing that makes them famous, which is society. Yeha, cynicism.)
oh, I opened that bracket not knowing how much of my brain would pour out and fall to the floor.
anyway, if you want this post deleted, do it yourself, you're an admin too.
also, sarcasm doesnt work as much online unless its blazingly obvious, but if its only like half obvious... you know the rest, its the beat that make you bump ba bump~
*apologises for the mess left on the floor, hoping that it doesnt attract zombies*.
Oh yes i did.
D: ruuuuuu how cooouuulldd yooouuuu...
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh and smaz, your brain is on the floor... do you want it? if you don't pick it up, the llamas will come and get it...
[smaz makes abuses by using secret editingness (smabuse (which also stands for "smaza's abuse")] I don't just delete posts. Also, by writing in
(Only I prefer not to think of my self as a tool of the capitalistic model in which we supposedly live, although I am very aware that I am in fact a pawn insofaras I survive by using the very artificial and somewhat arbitrary unit of measurement that is money and I will go through education, work, retirement and then die, whilst appearing to be a bit of a brat because I consume the fruits of society yet try to disown it in the same way that punk rock bands oppose the very thing that makes them famous, which is society. Yeha, cynicism.)
oh, I opened that bracket not knowing how much of my brain would pour out and fall to the floor.
anyway, if you want this post deleted, do it yourself, you're an admin too.
also, sarcasm doesnt work as much online unless its blazingly obvious, but if its only like half obvious... you know the rest, its the beat that make you bump ba bump~
*apologises for the mess left on the floor, hoping that it doesnt attract zombies*.
Oh yes i did.
D: ruuuuuu how cooouuulldd yooouuuu...
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh and smaz, your brain is on the floor... do you want it? if you don't pick it up, the llamas will come and get it...
Im not using it. so is ok.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Speechhh night...
man, i wished we got to choose our books cause my book just seems to be some book that no one wanted to buy so they decided to donate it to the school cause they didnt know what to do with it and it has nothing to do with technology.....
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Speech Night.
For the people who are going to speech night practice on Monday, bring your/a nintendo DS. Just saying.
A song i like! (as a noob!)
Hatin on the Club by Rihanna
doesnt actually have a video, so someone made a montage of her other videos that made sense to the song. I love it <3
I'm using this thread as an excuse...
... to post this song that I like (well technically it's not a song, its really only about 1/4 of a song, but its still cool, at least one part, so you have to skip to 4:26 to get to the good part :D Don't ask me about the rest of the song, I haven't even listened to it :P The video clip is a little weird though, but meh, I only watched it for the music)
Oh yeah, now post songs you noobs like!
And Hui, sorry for doggin you and Keflas :(
Oh yeah, now post songs you noobs like!
And Hui, sorry for doggin you and Keflas :(
Saturday, December 5, 2009
you dont trust, and if you dont we're fighting for what?
I'm diggin us a hole to travel through,
I wanna find a way to rattle you,
You wanna try to hear the thunder hit,
You're gonna have to follow me under it.
Let go, it's begun,
Close your eyes, I'm not done,
Breathe a word, and waste your breath,
And keep it up till there's nothing left.

Fightin' for a place,
We can call home.
Lookin' for a way,
Not be alone.
I'm fightin' for a place,
We can call home.
Lookin' for a way,
Not to be alone,
Not to be alone.
~~my life is complete~~
~unfortunately the instrumental remake/official demo for stick n' move is much worse than the xero demo tape version... still fucking amazing~
~sad (by myself) is very mellow. more digital, more electronica-ish. transition between harp and hard is amazing~
~faint demo is shitloads different, amazing yet different.~
~fear (leave out all the rest demo) is more than amazing. like wow. mike sings it better. also, the incomprehensible rapping ftw.~
~figure 0.9 demo is nice.~
~across the line: win~
~drawing (breaking the habit demo), albeit instrumental, is amazing. like, wow, the shit they played with with the drums? why didnt they leave that in there? shivers of amazing run down my spine.~
shut up the fuck. this is a blog i can post what i want
We are the Prodigy

3rd March (a day before the franz ferdinand concert)
pre-sale on 8th december
general sale on 10th december
Hordern Pavilion NSW
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tickets go on sale: 10 DEC 2009
Price: $$90:85
Thu 4 Mar 2010, 08:00 PM
so saaaad~
no more tyler white...
aww, no more arguments over bbq vs tomato sauce on hash brown rolls, even though he knows deep down that barbeque sauce is far superior...
no more parcour on the roof of bway...
no more getting huge amounts of solo to him going "how much solo do you drink?" in his tyler-white-ish way...
no more, "ahh, but he's lambert..."
well, no more tyler at school at least. but still... all of those things could only happen at school...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
read me
whats everyone doing on the weekend?... ima guessing nothing interest cus your all boring. So we should all go and see paranormal activity!
all this love, save up for nothing~ I never felt so good song is incredibly gay. I has anyway.
lol@the similou, why do they pretend they are straight.
so the last one was like, whoah. you guys (many of you) dislike much of yourself, and I'd never guess any of those things.
(but thats a rather pessimistic view on the world.)
((not that Im a great optimist or anything.))
so in the interest of equality...
what are the two best things about yourself in your opinion?
I'll start:
1. My friends (corny much)
2. My uncontrollable cynicism
Not to pump your egos (or mine ftm) though...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
tomorrow i will be a happy person. i will talk about nothing, about stupid things, about things that don't actually matter in real life. i will not talk about anyone negatively else just for one day. I will be a good person.
maybe karma will love me again...
maybe karma will love me again...
all these things i hate revolve around m
If you could change two things about yourself, what would they be?
I'll start:
1. I would have a cat.
2. I'd have confidence so be able to ask people things, which would also mean Id have more self-esteem, and I'd be able to talk... etc. ...
how soppy... there may be one or four more of these, too, so be wary... .
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
la di da da da, la di da da da over.

that cat is too cute..
n e way, since it is a new month, there is a new author of the month and sorry to emily hogg eventhough you chose it but i felt really stupid if i made myself author of the month so the new author of the month is....
Liam James Dean-Johnson!!! thank you to everyone who voted.
To read moar about the lovely liam dean-johnson, go here:
and then for the baado thing, each tutor group had to come up with cheers and tyler's was like this:
Baado, Baado, we don't try
Baado, Baado, we get high.
go baado.
When I cant take it, I cant take it no more
This is what I say
La Di Da Da Da, La Di Da Da Da, Over
When you cant take it, When you cant take it no more
This is what you say,
La Di Da Da Da, La Di Da Da Da Over
And yeah I'm frustrated, fuck this, what's this, how much
Who what, where when, why man, how come
So many questions unanswered, I don't understand
Could you please explain sir
I'm in a phase, I believe I can change
In exchange for an explanation, estimation, hesitation
Is it as visible dealing with digital?
Fidgeting through e-mail when the issue is pivotal
Critical condition, My heads in
I'm heading in the wrong direction
Book me a session, Let it off my chest
When I'm trying to come up, they wanna bring me down
When you trying to come up. they wanna bring you down
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