Saturday, November 27, 2010

Film festival and stuff, I guess...

Man, this years film festival was slightly disapointing... I stayed at Mad's last night an' today we went to go see one of the anime double features... we were like 20 minutes late 'cause we're pro...
Anyway... the movies were both directed by the same guy and they weren't very good... the animations were all second rate and it was all really wappa... like everything's normal then one person talks once and strikes the most ridiculous anime poses...
I actually chucked a Hui halfway through the second movie and fell asleep Zzzzz
Did anyone go to the 2:00 session? How as it?
Still pretty devo I wasn't able to see Confessions... I just didn't expect it to be sold out two hours before it started ahahha.

Worth listening I guess...


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

did you not see the time of eve? It was soo good! Well at least i really liked it and i like the animations even though they used alot of computer stuff but it was still good. mmhmm.

JD said...

Agh, I wish ahahah...
We ended up seeing this which I thought would be good ( )
and another movie by him...

palmtreee said...

TIME OF EVE. SO GOOOD. yeah we saw the trailer for tokyo marble chocolate and it was okay-ish looking. and the director was there and he said stuff.

and we saw a really random animater music clip for some song called precious. that was alright.

damn you should have gotten there earlier

Șмž said...

yeah, time of eve was pretty good.
although I didn't like the director's use of music much. every time one of the characters started to say something, it would start. then all of a sudden just stop. and then after a pause, start again. then stop when the character starts talking.