Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hey faggot

I know exactly what you mean.
Like, I understand the value of education.. and I know that doing well at school is actually important, despite what many could argue, but.. I just can never seem to pull myself to do antyhing about it. I have all this free time, so I know I should get it all done (at the very minimum. I thinK i should do more with my life, but doing well at school would at least be a start) but I just... don't.

It's like my mind is willing, but my body just tells me "One more game!" or "just screw the assignment. it's 12.30 and u havent started so u need sleep" even though then I just stay up until 2 putting it off anyway..

I always tell myself that tongith I WILL do work or this weekend, maxim, you WILL make that resume and hand it on Monday to Hoyts, but instead I end up just not going out... maybe seeing 1 or 2 friends... and writing one sentence for modern before just seeing whats new on YOutube...

There are things I knwo I can do to help. I can put my computer upstiars, or even just not use the computer during work time (i mean, lets face it, for maths/physics/modern/economics/enlgihs/just about most subjects, do we raelly need to be on the computer 24/7?) and I knwo if I did that i WILL do work.. but then I even don't do that.

Perhaps the best metaphor for my situation is my diary. Every day, I write down what I have to do, all with consitancy and neatness, and I make sure I know when it's all due and hwat i have to do for it, but then.. I have not actually taken it out of my bag, at home, for about 3 months now... its ridiculous.



Șмž said...

wow... I get that.

Brian said...

The only way I managed to get studying during the HSC was actually allow myself to watch Youtube or to browse the net after I've done at least a question I have set myself.

ie. Finish an entire question from a maths past paper. Watching crap online. Do the next question. Watch more crap.


Write a paragraph on Trotsky. Watch crap. Write another paragraph. Watch more crap.