Thursday, November 25, 2010

Minecraft succesion game.

For anyone who doesn't know what minecraft is go here >

Anyways, now's finally the time that I'm organising this.
A Minecraft succesion game.
The idea: Everyone gets placed in an order and is given 10 or so ingame days (or hours played) once that is up, the save game with a detailed change log (accompanied by screenshots) is placed on the blog for the next person to pick up and play for their turn so forth so forth.
The result is the culmination of everyones efforts... might even have it rotate depending on how it goes.
... hell I might even make a new blog just for it.

Posting this on facey too as an event :P


Șмž said...


is it alpha or the free version?

JD said...

Alpha, if you don't have it you can use my account for the succesion game :P

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

oh im sooo confused/
building blocks and skeletons and roller coasters?
im guessing this post aint aimed at me

JD said...

You could totally join in if you wanted too, it's not like it's overly complicated or anything :P