Sunday, November 7, 2010

just random stuffs

because seriously, I have issues attempting to do my art assignment

so here, some posts althroughout the archives... wow...
oh hui, why you like twilight

oh man, I miss these days so much, I kinda hope we stay on this blog... cause people come and people go but in the end there are like 6 regulars, and thats enough...
we have changed so much... wow... cept my avatar hasn't changed in over a year... and i used to draw a new one every month...
also, it aint cool to try to edit a post when I'm writing it. jus saying


Action Man! said...

Wow... I remember the era of farmville... and I had to look up the cheatcodes for Ninjas with shotugns..

Brian said...

memory of the blog only spans for just a year and a half for me.

i'm glad i joined

JD said...

To this day I've only posted on the chans once.
It was on R9k and I was asking what cereal I should have in the morning, I remain proud of that post and it will forever remain in my heart.

I made a triforce 15 lines high. I lost the notepad document :(

I'm sad I never made it to Rhinanons first party though :(

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

out of all those 14 posts, i posted 7 of dem. yea... i have a life..

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

twilight? zahahahaha idk if i actually like it becos i cant read but the movies are easy to understand!

i love how we all assumed rhiannon's friends were going to be all gothic and stuffs
thats right.... smazz away...