Wednesday, November 24, 2010

FLAGS 8 (end)

Here is the end to the series that got cut short, i assume its because it didnt so very well in the rankings.

well anyway, here it is

also, psyren 143 is out


Șмž said...

oh, what a shitty end of series.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Hey it wasnt the mangakas fault that the manga got cancelled and forced to end with a cliffhanger.

if you want, you can look forward to the mangaka's art as he is going to be the artist for this series:
Demon 72

Șмž said...

yeah, it was unfortunate though. It got to a certain stage (ie they won their first major battle) and then that was it. It did hint at a return to the series at some point though