Sunday, November 21, 2010

Two Links

So... you've played Robot Unicorn Attack right? Well, just wait until you shit bricks on this version...

It's sorta like the New Vegas of Robot Unicorn. It's definitely a great game, perhaps and improvement to the original, but you can't help but think that the original was the one that define the series.. (only Lasry, Joel, and possibly Brian/Smaz will get the reference)

Now, Link 2! Personality test. Some of you may have taken it before, I think I have, but it's still interesting to see what you get. I'm an INTJ - basically I'm hyper-analytical, and see the world in reason, but I'm too lazy to do anything good with my intelligence. Lol.

EDIT: Heres the wikipedia page on the test thingo so you can actually understand your results :P


Șмž said...

I got INTP
whatever that means

Brian said...

your link doesn't work in my chrome for some reason

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i got ESTP.

man there were some hard questions so i dont know if i put the right answer..

Jonny Boyz said...


i cant tell if it's right or not.

i think it's right, but it underestimates just how lazy i am

AcionMan! said...

LOL sorry guys, I guess I should've linked you guys to the WIkipedia page so you can understand what the letters mean. Link in original post.

AcionMan! said...

So basically Ru and Lasry; you guys are like this (apparently):

"According to Keirsey, ESTPs, or "Promoter Artisans", are the most adept among the types at influencing other people. Promoting is the art of maneuvering others to one's position. Concrete in speech and utilitarian in action, they are smooth operators. The ESTP knows everyone who matters and everything there is to do because they are very resourceful, always knowing where the fun and action is. They like to indulge themselves in the finer things in life and to bring other people with them. Their goal in life is to sell themselves and their ideas to others. Dramatic and debonair, they are gifted at earning others' confidence.

According to Keirsey, based on observations of behavior, notable Promoters might include John F. Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt, Madonna, and Donald Trump."

Jonny Boyz said...

.... yeh, sort of me in a way i guess sort of. but not really.

more like a better version of me.

Șмž said...

well, I redid it and got INFP this time

Kwon said...

i got ESFP what does that mean?