Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So there's this kid on facebook.

You know, Sam Nachtergaele. You probably also have him as a friend. anyway, i dont know him but we have developed a friendship through farmville. yes, one day as i was mindlessly harvesting my soy beans, a facebook chat message appeared out of nowhere. it was sam nachtergaele. it seemed that he was a level 26 in farmville and he not only wanted to be my neighbour, but he wanted me to send him a gift. our conversation went something like this:

Sam: hey, you probably don't know me but can you send me a gift in farmville?
Ru: k. what u want?
Sam: fig tree
(ru sends him an olive tree instead)
Ru: Opps, i sent you an olive tree
Sam: thats okay. thank you so much
Ru: no probs kid.

and so i thought that that was the last of sam. but no, today, he prompted me for another gift and this time i gave him a gift that you can only give if you were accessing farmville from and not from so i did and i gave him a ladder and a bucket. so then he gave me a gift and noa i has gifts. And then i told him to send one to hui and he was like, are you guys twins and i was like, no. i has 2 accounts,,, then he was like: ok......

so the point is, i dont even know this guy, if his short or talll, or fat or skinny. but.. i lost my point... oh well... erm..... (whats the difference between a feminist has no point... oh wait... let me repeat my joke... erm... whats the point of a different pencil... ah bullocks, i failed that time too...)


Șмž said...

i know this guy quite well, he went to my old primary school... hes a really cool kid

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

yea he is.

Anonymous said...

Sam Nash is in my year! i went to pimary scholl with him and stuff. yeah hes cool.

btw this is jemma coz sam left the blog tab open.

sam is fat


Șмž said...

jemma? you too?
everyone hates me... *smazzes off into the distance*

but like, cool guy

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

thats right smaz... smaz away...

Lambert said...

was that a mock at me there at the end!?!

Hoggle said...

hahahahahahahahahahahah lambert ur so self conscious and smazzes off into the distance, that actually sounds really cool, just the word, not the actual action. don't go anywhere smaz.