Tuesday, November 10, 2009

to all you art appreciators

sculpture by the sea, ala bonnie

also, everyone else

this is my dog :D
(at 0:23, i'm in it too...)

they thought it was good enough to put an ad on front even...


AcionMan! said...

That is so cool dude, lol! You're dogs like now famous!

My stupid dog on the other hand, barely leaves the house <_<

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

OMG what is this? that is sooo cool! wow, bonnie can see the back of her head! Thats sooo awesom how it was on that website and how it was your dog. wait. why was it your dog??? and i saw you and yo sister and was like. lol.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

zomg! how did your dog get on that website? did yall like put a camera on your dog and then send the vid to the web or what? lol!!

Betamaxrules said...

omg that is so cool dude! Ppl love your dog! Like, newspapers and stuff!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't your dad work for the Sydney Morning Herald