Sunday, November 15, 2009


so what ya guys think of the formal?


Hoggle said...

pretty fun but it was too expensive and quite frankly for a good hotel the food was crap.

Șмž said...

and by that you mean it was good for normal people?

AcionMan! said...

The food was kinda expected, its a formal, not really a dinner, so they're not putting on the very best exquisite cuisine... it's always like that at large functions.

Șмž said...

I dont know about you, but that food was way fancier than what i normally eat... ill stop now

Kwon said...

b-e-a-utiful night! Havent had that much funn since cod4 came out. But srsly it defined a party.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

yeah people should have dance parties and not just do shit cause dance parties are suppeeerrrr fun and it also increases your fitnessinity!. dance party at emily hogg's house!